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The Kickstarter is launching in less than two weeks, but you don't have to wait until then to see the full details about it. I'm sharing a preview of the entire page for supporters here on Patreon ✨

Kickstarter Full Page 

I think it turned out really pretty. If there's anything confusing or that could use more detail, feel free to let me know!




aaaa im so hyped!!! i was so ready for this, I can't wait


Noise canceling headphones for my Mc, here I come!!!!


GB get ready for my $999, take my moneyyy.


The page looks great and I'm so excited to see it launch!


Gonna get the voiced name again, can't wait! Mine's a fairly common name so if it's already there I'm gonna put my best friend's one instead, because she'll inevitably play this too 💕 We're gonna blow through the funding and stretch goal I bet!


Lezgoooo!! I'm so excited! I'm at least getting a voiced name, but depending on how things go financially for me, I'll try to pledge higher! I love this project and I want to support it in any way I can! ♡♡♡♡


My only question since you can't click to make sure, for the highest pledge, beside designing, do you get all the thing for the lower pledge tires...? The game key, all the DLCs, the music, digital wallpapers/postcards, ect... Cause I may or may not go for that one if it still open by the time I come home from work. Or heck... I might not take the chance and just use my vacation for the day. We'll see once we get a week ago from when the Kickstarter go live. Edit: Nevermind... Won't be able to do vacation time since the day the Kickstater go live is also the day my job is having it yearly online garage sale... Great... e_e

?!? Crimes ?!?

Does this mean the game is coming out soon? I actually have no idea what a kickstarter is.


A kickstarter is a way to help fund the project


I know before I joked about donating a paycheque to the kickstarter, but that $999 tier do be looking pretty tempting ngl :3


350... or 500....hmmmm....


Also the discord server for the higher tiers is that the patreon server or a completely separate server?


My wallet is so ready


i’m on the insider tier and i have terrible memory but i’m pretty sure i got a key when the baxter dlc came out. will we have keys for the 3 planned dlcs of ol2 as well or not at all ? since i saw that this was one of the rewards on the kickstarter !

Kara Onasi

I know the Kickstarter is on Oct 10 but when during the day does it go live? When she has a chance to? Or is there an automated time?


Hi, I have a question! I read up and you said that the $350 beta build tier gives the same beta build Patreon supporters get, you just pay upfront for it instead. Would that save money in the long run/would it be relatively cheaper than paying each month till completion? Totally understand if this isn't answerable because there's no set end date for the game, just an estimate, so there's no way to do definitive math on it. I would think it's cheaper than $15/month for about two years though!


It'll go live at 9am PST according to the announcement post!


i want to fund it so badly!!! such a good game!

Kalyx Wynthor

Wow, you really know how to make a good presentation page! That's awesome 👍🏼 One question though: As already a part of your Patreon, I was wondering about the benefits difference between my pledge here on Patreon and the benefits coming from the $350 pledge on Kickstarter regarding the Patreon and Discord access? What does it mean for someone who's currently one of your Patreon?


Question re. the custom doll/room pieces. Would those be avaliable to everybody on the customisation menu or would it be a 'enter a code' to show them on the menu kind of thing?


Thanks! The content is exactly the same on Patreon and Kickstarter. You just get years of beta access plus lots of other rewards on Kickstarter. It's like buying a big package deal at a discount all up front instead of doing it month by month and buying the extras separately.

Libra Frills

Im so excited!!!! 😭🥺


Staring at that $999 but knowing I can't afford it 😭


Maybe I'm missing a perk or did the math wrong, but couldn't you potentially get the $500 tier and add on 4 mc and 2 room customizations to get the same amount of stuff as the $999 tier for $50 less?


Thank you very much for catching that! It was supposed to be a $900 tier so you got a small discount from the add-on avenue. When talking to the designer for the asset I must have made a mistake in what I put.


Yay! I'm so happy to be apart of this kickstarter! Now i just gotta save up for those big goodies!


im excited! i really hope ill have money to get the 350 one but for now ill run to get the early bird deal


What time is the kickstarter going live?