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Happy 5th of the month!

It's time for the Patreon question thread. Here you can ask me things you're wondering about for our games or company and they'll be answered at the end of the month an an audio recording (with a text transcript too). Just make sure the questions long follow the guidelines!


1. Please don't reply to other people's questions even if you know the answer. The fun of joining a Q&A is that the developer can give a direct response to you and that everyone else also gets to hear/see the answer in the end of the month post. Having another player resolve the question in the comments right here might not be what the asker was hoping for. This thread is more about having a good time rather than looking for an immediate response to an important question. And if you do have a question you want to hear about right away, it's best to ask in some other thread or to message me directly.

2. I'm afraid questions about what scenes/choices/art assets Our Life: Now & Forever will include aren't answerable right now. Most of the details are decided as the game is created and currently I'm only writing Step 1. I do know some things coming later, but only a small fraction of the whole game.

3. The questions can't be about more serious/potentially upsetting topics because I don't want those listening to suddenly be surprised with something they might not have been prepared for/want to be confronted with.

4. Please keep the questions here to things that wouldn't be really hard to tackle in an off-the-cuff, spoken out loud kind of Q&A, aha. Questions about a half dozen characters or wanting an entire theoretical situation described aren't super doable in this situation.

You can always send me questions outside of the audio Q&A if they wouldn't work here!


You can also find answers for more basic info like heights, birthdays, timelines, and such in the Overall FAQ.

The thread will close after September 19th.

That's everything. Thank you to everyone who participates in the Q&A!



question time yay!! first off, i just wanna say how important your games were for me in my transition journey, especially post top surgery. it was really nice to see that my character could have scars just like me! now for the question!! first off, what are the leads most afraid of? and, on the other side of that coin, what motivates and encourages them? what are their life goals? thank you!! keep working hard and remember to rest 🫶

Daniel Rowe

Kind of a silly question, but in OL1, what are the tiny particles zipping around in some of the indoor settings? Are they specks of dust illuminated by the light, or maybe little gnats flying around, or something completely different? Either way, I always thought it was an interesting touch.


Tamarack, Qui and MC have a day at the amusement park. Who gets scared on the roller coaster or other rides, who gets on them all and who tries to win the biggest stuffed animal at a game stall?


How did you come up with the idea of the Moments mechanic? Do you ever get frustrated by the limitations of telling a story in a nonlinear way through Moments?


Is step 4 Cove's hair canonically more straight or wavy?


Once again, I want to say thank you for your work and I’m extremely excited to see how OL2 develops going forward as a primary focus! Take a much time as you need! Omit my questions if they’ve been asked before or you can’t get answer them at the moment. 1. If the player selects for their relationship nature to be that of a crush with Tamarack or Qiu, will either of them be able to tell the player reciprocates their feelings whatsoever? 2. During the earlier stages of the game, will Ren or Vianca have a negative reaction at the notion you may like Tamarack or Qiu? Or if Tamarack or Qiu express they have a crush on the player? Kind of like a “Ewwww, how could you like a boy/girl?” type of reaction.

Guilherme Farias

Since this is the month I was born in, I have to ask: assuming they have infinite funds for their bithdays in this specific year and time to prepare for whatever planned, how would step 3 Cove, Derek and Baxter rather celebrate them? What about step 1 Qiu, Tamarack, Rennee and Baxter? And what about you? In this situation I would travel to the Maldives and have a spa day in a five star hotel.


If The OL1 boys Baxter & Derek had pets what would they be? Cove already has fish so I was curious. Then made me start think of Qiu & Tamarack what pets would they have? not saying they have any. Just curious.

Chey (KorsetKitten)

Will Baxter be romancable in OL2 as well? I know it's a weird ask but I'm curious 🤔


hi!! in baxter’s route he mentions how he pretty much dropped his old friends (the boy’s club) because he felt like he didn’t belong at a point, but he also says he misses them and he wonders what they’d think of him then. i was wondering what his reaction would be/how he’d feel if the mc decided to help him get back in touch with them or if they set up a little meet-up for them all 🤔 whether he’d be nervous, or if they’d all get along like they used to. i understand if this isn’t answerable at the moment i just thought it’d be silly to imagine! thank you (+ sorry if this has been asked before)!!


Extremely excited for the Kickstarter! Thank you for the hard work y'all have done so far, these games truly hold a special place in my heart. As for my question, you mentioned pet name system for couples in a previous QnA so I was just wondering whether Qiu and Tamarack would have a pet name for the MC as well.


Hi! Love OL and looking forward to OL2. Not sure if this has been previously addressed but I was wondering how the core members of GB Patch got into making V/N and picking up skills along the way (e.g. coding, drawing, story writing). It's a bit of a loaded one but I've been more and more interested in learning more about the development aspect of otome or v/n games and insight from people who've had a few goes at it and seen it go.


Might be an odd question to ask, but have you always been writing or was writing something you picked up when you became interested in VNs? Also, would you mind sharing any thoughts you have about writing VNs? Like, is there a certain challenges to it, is there a specific approach that makes it different from other styles of writing, and what not. Thanks!! ^_^


Hello, I would like to thank you for the multiple wonderful games you've made! ● Firstly, I was wondering if there's gonna be a potential DLC(s) for side characters in OL2 for the upcoming future? ● Secondly, I was wondering when could we potentially suggest a name to be voiced for OL2 would they be through Kickstarter or a specific Patreon tier?


And this would be my last set of questions. How would Baxter and Derek feel if the MC tried to play matchmaker and possibly find them partners with personal friends they know about (this would ofc be their adult selves). Also did Liz ever end up with anyone romantically?


Okay, so, this is something I've been a little curious about. Does "GB Patch" mean anything? Like, what's the origin behind the name? Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere else.

Sapphira Dae

I think you mentioned that you can only be Best Friends with either Tam or Qiu (not both) but is it possible to be Best Friends and dating/in love/married? Thank you!

Sapphira Dae

What is the biggest challenge you’ve had when making visual novels? (Fun challenges or difficult challenges)

Hressal'eert Sanguine

Will important OL1 characters (Cove, Derek, MC) make cameo appearances in OL2? And could Cove appear along with MC (as boyfriend or husband)?


what is the story behind xavier and nicolas meeting again? is it simply that nico just happened to walk into their bakery for a treat and he recognized them or is it something else? i love both characters so much so it’s funny to imagine something like this haha, thank youu and sorry if this has been asked before😅


Does it feel weird to have finished writing content for Cove/Our Life 1 in general after so many years of working on it?


I'm not sure if this counts as asking about future assets but if it does you can ignore it or ask me to delete it! Is there a possibility of getting certain npc doll features to use for the mc? Things like Mrs. Murray's freckles, Mrs. Lin's or Baxter's shade of dark blue/gray, hair sparkles like Tama, or maybe other things players would want? Thank you 💕

Mackenzie McEvoy

Hi! Not sure if this is related to “art assets” so feel free to ignore if so! Just wondering if in the future it would be possible to add vitiligo to our MC’s doll?


Since it's not really shown in-game, how would 19-year-old Baxter react to the MC announcing they got engaged to Cove at the end of step 3? (I imagine he would be outwardly supportive at least, but would he feel skeptical or pessimistic about it considering they're only 18 at the time?)


I hope this hasn't been asked before but I recently got into attachment theory and is Baxter fearful avoidant? Not sure about the other 2 but the whole hot-and-cold and abandonement issue and low self-esteem makes me think so.


in cove’s wedding dlc, if you dated baxter in step 3, the first thing he says when he sees mc and cove in his office is “how unfortunate” or something along those lines. he then quickly picks himself up and reassures the two that it’s not their union that’s unfortunate, and that he’s really happy to help plan their wedding. i was just wondering what exactly did he find so unfortunate lol, was it just the awkwardness of the situation initially? was he kind of dreading it for a second there? sorry if this is a weird question, i have trouble picking up on things even if they seem obvious lol but thank u for ur time and making these lovely games + characters ❤️❤️


I'm glad you've taken more days off, it's important to listen to yourself. My questions are: What was the weirder stuff Cove won't tell us that happened during his part-time job? When we asked has anyone ever flirted with him while he's working. Also, how would Cove react, if someone was flirting with MC when they are working in the same place? Thank you for your hard work!

Sweet Dulcinea

Another month, another chance to simp openly for the art, lore, music, and development of GB Patch Games. My question is, do you (GB Patch Lady) like romance as a genre? You're very good at writing sweet and charming moments with the LIs, so much so that sometimes I'll play OL instead of reading shoujo/romance manhwa because it's just so satisfyingly romantic and fun. Does the romance aspect of the script come naturally to you?


I find it hard to believe that Cove would have himself a full sleeve tattoos by Step 4. Boy can't be still for too long. So, having him just sit there for hours, for who know how many days getting it done is something I can't picture. Also, he is sensitive, as he said in both Step 4 of his DLC and in the Wedding Night DLC. Can we get the story behind this please. Did he get it done with MC there to help or a friend/family with him...? I need answer here please... This is part headcanon, part serious, part what if. I have this headcanon that things didn't worked out with Kyra and that co-worked she told about in Step 4. So, to cheer her up, Cliff invited her down to a few days of fun and relaxing, to take her mind off all that. They hung out a lot, Cliff taking her to nice dinner or walking with her around town/by the beach just to be an ear to listen to her. One thing lead to another that lead to the spark they once had for each other which end with them having a night together. After thinking it over, they decided to give them another shot since they both older, know not just themselves better but each other vs when they first met each other as teenage. I think I know that answer to this but still going to ask, when Kyra and Cliff ever get back together at all these years if they are both free to do so...? If they do, how would Cove react to them dating each other once more...? Would he be happy...? Mad/Upset about it...?


Hi! Super excited for the Kickstarter next month, I can’t wait to support the game. I just wanted to ask, what tropes in media do you personally enjoy most? Because in OL1, you could play MC and Cove as a very slow burn from Indifference to Fondness to a Crush to Love, or immediately have them be interested in the other, so it had me thinking of tropes like slow burn, Friends to Lovers, Love at First Sight, + all the other fun stuff, and what your preference generally was! ^^


Also, in OL1, did you want to implement the mechanic that’s being worked into OL2 with the dynamics/relationships being able to shift mid-Step/with the player able to actually decrease a relationship in-between (ex: Crushes to just Neighbors) Was it just too complicated at the time? Or were you not really interested in doing that? Also also, happy early birthday!! Hope you can relax and eat some good cake (if like that lol).


When they met was the tone between Opal and Yusuf flirty? I couldn't help picking up vibes.


Hi! First, thank you so much for Baxter, the Oreo-themed disaster of a human; he's made an incredible impact me and inspired me to write again. So I wanted to pick your brain about two little questions I have about the B-man. 1. My gregarious MC went abroad and made lots of friends at uni, and they introduced her to Eurovision. Do you think that adult Baxter would be bemusedly tolerant of it, or get into the dorky/exuberant vibe if she shared it with him? 2. When I was playing through the Wedding DLC, I noticed that Baxter had his "dusky gray hair" again, but he still has black in *his* DLC; was there any reason why he stopped dying it if not romanced?

Bee Jorg

Hello there! Im curious if there will be a gallery feature in OL2, similar to the one in OL1 with the CGs for Cove through the years and the CGs of Baxter and Derek. I enjoy looking back at the scenes, even if just to notice some of the differences between appearances


Quick question, in ourlife one if your super friendly in step two to Jeremy and you say you wish you could've been friends in the end of step 2 does Jeremy feel any regret towards the mc etc sorry if thats confusing

Glitchy Pix (Shine)

Hi, super excited to see more of OL2. I'm also glad to see you taking days off, I hope you're taking care of yourself! My question (if you can answer it) is when does Tamarack get her glasses? Does she need them in Step 1 at all or does she get them sometime between Steps 1 and 2?


One more question, in OL2 the tutorial said you could have a potentially hostile relationship with Qiu and/or Tamarack if you’re just neighbors. So you can have an actively negative relationship with them? As opposed to OL1, where you could only really be uninterested in Cove, but not actively antagonistic I think. Totally understand if this isn’t answerable at this time 🫶🏼


Hi! Thanks so much for these amazing games. This may have been asked already, but I was wondering what kind of music the love interests in OLBA and OLNF listen too! I remember Baxter playing metal in the car in Step 3, and I was wondering if that changed at all!


Hello hello! I hope you and the team are all doing well! I was wondering what Cove, Baxter, and Derek's opinions on coloured or more specifically a black wedding dress?


This was probably asked before, but what are Qiu and Tamarack's opinions on flowers? Also, I know Baxter likes ice cream sandwiches, but does he have a favorite ice cream flavor?


You guys seem pretty involved with fan feedback and responses, have there been any that came out of left field for you? Characters that were more popular than you expected (or vice versa), or something you thought was minor that the fans picked up and ran with?

Selia Murakami

Will we have in OL2 a character which cheers our relationship with the LIs on? Like Lee in OL1, it was so cute how involved she got.

BRG (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-17 05:30:43 I really hope you had a great birthday! I remember you saying that Elizabeth is the type of person that wouldn’t fall for someone that she grew up with. Is Baxter similar to her in that way? Would he not want to be with someone that has seen is in his awkward/spoiled brat phases? In OL2 can we become close with Baxter and Renee to the point where they think of the MC as a really good friend? Even if it’s just in step one? Did Cove move far from his old home when he and Cliff moved to Sunset Bird? Or was it really not that far from where they used to live? In OL1 the MC can have or state that they have crushes on other people like the Cliff or Shiloh. In OL2 will something similar be a thing? Like could the MC just start crushing on Devin or Mrs. Lin? Lastly did Baxter ever do like a black and white split-dye? And would any of the your other LIs (from any game) do crazy dye jobs like Baxter did?
2023-09-17 00:28:29 I really hope you had a great birthday! I remember you saying that Elizabeth is the type of person that wouldn’t fall for someone that she grew up with. Is Baxter similar to her in that way? Would he not want to be with someone that has seen is in his awkward/spoiled brat phases? In OL2 can we become close with Baxter and Renee to the point where they think of the MC as a really good friend? Even if it’s just in step one? Did Cove move far from his old home when he and Cliff moved to Sunset Bird? Or was it really not that far from where they used to live? In OL1 the MC can have or state that they have crushes on other people like the Cliff or Shiloh. In OL2 will something similar be a thing? Like could the MC just start crushing on Devin or Mrs. Lin? Lastly did Baxter ever do like a black and white split-dye? And would any of your other LIs (from any game) do crazy dye jobs like Baxter did?

I really hope you had a great birthday! I remember you saying that Elizabeth is the type of person that wouldn’t fall for someone that she grew up with. Is Baxter similar to her in that way? Would he not want to be with someone that has seen is in his awkward/spoiled brat phases? In OL2 can we become close with Baxter and Renee to the point where they think of the MC as a really good friend? Even if it’s just in step one? Did Cove move far from his old home when he and Cliff moved to Sunset Bird? Or was it really not that far from where they used to live? In OL1 the MC can have or state that they have crushes on other people like the Cliff or Shiloh. In OL2 will something similar be a thing? Like could the MC just start crushing on Devin or Mrs. Lin? Lastly did Baxter ever do like a black and white split-dye? And would any of your other LIs (from any game) do crazy dye jobs like Baxter did?


Did Qiu like the hug when you do it in the prologue? I am sorry Im not good with telling stuff like that.