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We've put together this month's beta build for OL2. It picks up where the prior beta left off and finishes the Moment "Walks". As a reminder, Walks is a Linked Moment but so far the other part of the link, Wheels, doesn't exist. Hopefully I can start writing that event relatively soon, haha. For now, Walks can be enjoyed purely as a stand-alone experience!

If you're at the highest tier, you can leave your suggestions for additional choice options/MC reactions for these new scenes HERE. 

Download Links:

Windows/Linux Download

Mac Download

Android Download

And since we've had some problems in the past with so many people downloading beta builds that they get locked out by Google Drive, I've uploaded mirror builds! If the first ones listed don't work, you can try these.

Windows/Linux Download Mirror

Mac Download Mirror

Android Download Mirror

Or you can bypass the quota by logging in to a Google Drive account, then on the file's download page, click "Add shortcut to Drive" in the upper right corner. Save it to your Drive, then create a new folder, put it inside, and download the folder!

Save files from the prior beta should work in this beta!

New Content:

  • 12,000 words of new scenes: the second part of Walks Moment
  • Small fixes to typos/errors from the prior build

Man, it's so exciting to have an entire Moment complete! The game is really starting to take shape and things are just gonna keep building. Thank you for taking the time to check out what we're working on ๐Ÿ’–



Konoi Kurozora

This was such a sweet moment! I think I already said that before, but I really love the fact we have so many interactions and so much content even if we chose to have a MC who almost never speaks and tends to communicate non-verbally most of the time. It's not always easy to pull off, and I'm glad it works here! I'm very eager to see how it will be to have a MC who doesn't speak much but who is bold - since for the time being my MC is shy and subdued, but that will change in Step 2


I just played this through and oh my!! So many cute new moments with Qiu, he is so absolutely adorable. I love the scene where they bump heads trying to catch the nuts and you check on Qiu. I fall in love more and more with your work every day. Thank you for this beautiful gift!


Hello ! I just began playing this version of the beta and I encounter an error during the scene were we meet Qiu, just after he jumped from the playground and ask for our name. When I click to go to the next dialogue this appear instead of the reply: "An exeption has occurred. While running game code: File "game/Step 1/prologue_qiu.rpy", line 729, in File "game/Character Definitions/person_class.rpy", line 1525, in term_words TypeError: unhashable type: 'RevertableSet'" I have the option to ignore it and it doesn't crash the game. My character his a male at birth but identify as nonbinary and use the pronouns They/Them and He/Him. For the honorifics I did selection the option to have multiple and choose Mx. and Mr. in All, and to use all that at random by scene. That might be the source of the problem because when I'm more specific and set the honorifics Mx. in the tab for They/Them and Mr. in the tab for He/Him I don't encounter this error.


Could someone help me figure out how to start the Step 1 Moments event? I tried several things and it doesn't start; tapping, tap & hold, move Moments icon, move stickers on the Moments icon (1 & all of them). I got nothing else. Please help!