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I'm on vacation!

Hi everybody, this is a post I wrote a few days in advance and scheduled to go live at the normal time. Currently I'm on a trip that's going from June 29th-July 14th. It's something I planned to do once Our Life: Beginnings & Always was finally done.

But speaking of, let's get into the progress we made in June-

Monthly Content Summary:

In June of 2023, the last notable update for Our Life: Beginnings & Always launched! All the DLCs are done, the major errors people reported have been fixed, and the last final touches I wanted to add are there. There are still very minor things that we could do, but there's no more updates in the works that people will absolutely want to have because they're so important.

That's bittersweet to accept, however it's hard to truly feel it because we're not saying goodbye to Sunset Bird quite yet. I was able to announce that a Cove Wedding Night Bonus Moment will be coming to Patreon! The plan is to have an August launch, either of a full beta or the finished event. It's something I've been quietly working on for a while, though didn't want to share the news until Baxter's DLC was complete. It was great to see how excited everyone was about that 😄.

I made another, less major, announcement to give a narrowed down launch window for when the Our Life: Now & Forever Kickstarter is going to go live. It'll start in late September or early October 2023! I've also been making progress on the campaign page itself; thinking about how the tiers should work and what they should cost, writing marketing copy about the features, etc. Over 3,000 people have signed up to be notified when that goes live! That's an absolutely incredible amount. Thank you.

In June I opened up applications for people to put together the OL1 official artbook and to help create content for the GB Patch TikTok. Those roles did get filled and their work is now in-progress!

I scheduled a lot of posts for Patreon and socials. The typical upload schedule shouldn't be too impacted even with me not being around much.

And finally, for actual game development work, I programmed 10,000 words of scenes for the Cove Bonus Moment, and also did some extra testing/set up stuff to get the basic build of that Moment working, since it's not part of the main game.

I wrote down 45,400 words. Basically all of that was script writing, rather than drafting. And the majority was writing OL2 Step 1 Moment content, though I also finished some scripts for the Cove Moment.

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What a month! It wasn't the highest for word counts by far, but we checked off a lot of huge things. That's some weight off my shoulders, haha.

Honestly, I'm still in disbelief that OL1 is done and that I'm gonna be away from development work for so long. But I really appreciate all the wonderful comments and messages people have sent in since the announcement of OL1's last big update. I'm so happy the game has made you happy 😊.

And thank you for following along. The monthly plans post will be going up tomorrow as usual!




Yayayay, you should feel incredibly proud!! Enjoy your vacation, we will be here <33 You’re a superhuman! 👑


Yay!! Wow I can’t believe how far everything’s come. Thank you and the team for all the hard work. Enjoy your vacation!! 🩷

Kara Onasi

Honestly, Baxter and then the wedding night are amazing ways to cap off this game. You deserve a peaceful and relaxing vacation after so much hard work. Thank you for such a wonderful story. Characters who have completely captured our hearts and imaginations And the ability to create MC’s that are OURS in such an inclusive way that truly make us part of the story and that we can fall in love with alongside the canon characters. Thank you so much for everything!

Moss Valery

Heck yeah, enjoy your vocation!


honestly, just a big thanks for keeping us so updated

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-01 02:43:12 October!?!! WOW!! It seems I get Wedding Night Cove than I thought. I think you’re doing wonderful jobs!! So thank you for releasing those wonderful games! Thank you!! And have a nice trip!!
2023-07-01 00:42:23 August!?!! WOW!! It seems I get Wedding Night Cove than I thought. I think you’re doing wonderful jobs!! So thank you for releasing those wonderful games! Thank you!! And have a nice trip!!

August!?!! WOW!! It seems I get Wedding Night Cove than I thought. I think you’re doing wonderful jobs!! So thank you for releasing those wonderful games! Thank you!! And have a nice trip!!