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Hey everyone!

Today I'm making a post to share information on a neat new element of Our Life 2. It's always been the case where the game remembers the scenes you've already done and those experiences can impact the Moments you do next. However, in Our Life: Now & Forever there will be a small bunch of Moments that are more directly connected. I'm calling them "Linked Moments"!

Linked Moments will share scenes between each other and which one is done first and which comes second will be a part of the whole premise of the Moments.

I can use the Linked Moments in Step 1 as an example, Walks and Wheels. You'll get a particular opening regardless of which you clicked first. In that scene, it's the weekend and Qiu, his club, and Tamarack are gonna be going on an afternoon adventure. But there's two good ideas and both can't be done in one day! So, you'll decide what will happen right then and what you'll promise to do together on another Saturday.

So, switching up the order you do Walks/Wheels will give you a different experience because it'll either be the first full group outing you've ever had, or it'll be the second time you've all hung out.

I think it'll add even more fun to replays, plus will give me the space to have stories that have a bit more going on than something confided to a single Moment that can happen at any point in the Step.

Right now, there should be one pair of linked Moments in every Step. Maybe there will end up being more in Step 2 and/or Step 3, we'll see how it goes further into development.

[And yes, you can do one linked Moment and then have the Step end so you never do the other half of the set. Pulling that stunt will disappoint the babies during the end of Step scenes, though 😔.]



Are linked moments within one moment? Or are they their own thing, separate from the usual moments?

Mochi Matcha

✨👀✨too excited to see it all in motion


That's a good idea! I think it's a good way to make the each play a bit more personalized and unique from each other, it's so nice


I love that idea! Definitely adds to re-play value too. 💖


At this rate this will be the only game I play for the rest of my life with how many times I'll have to go through it to see everything 💖


I love this. Felt like something in this vein was missing from OL1.

Konoi Kurozora

Oh, I really love that concept! I may not be one for altering my playthrough (canon playthrough and all that, you know), but while in Steps 1 and 2 of the first game (and Cove's and Derek'splaythroughs of Step 3) I've played the moments in the order they came on the screen, on my true canon playthrough - with Baxter - I've actually carefully selected the order I wanted to play the Step 3 moments. And I found it very enjoyable. I can't wait for it to become more complex in the second game! Especially considering this time I'll have my canon playthrough right from the start.


All the new stuff that's going to be in OL2 just makes me more and more excited for this game.


you can't tell us this kinda thing now! how am I supposed to wait? xD


Also a little fun to headcanon other moments that happen in between those two moments! Maybe they can have the same sticker on them to indicate they’re connected, like on a little cork board or calendar!


I like having there be a disappointment if you skip out on the second half of the set. Looking forward to seeing this in game.


I don't think I've ever seen a visual novel so in depth. These features are incredible as far as I'm concerned and this is why I have a feeling that OL2 is going to be one of, if not the best visual novel I'll ever play. I'm so excited!!


omg… well, I speak French and I’m not super fluent in English yet, it’s especially when I’m tired that I have a hard time and I had a long day. Anyway, when I saw this long text in today's post, I knew I should use Google translate to understand what it's all about and I absolutely don't regret it!! I can't wait! ✨👀


It took me a little bit to understand but this actually sounds really cool!! This adds so much replayability!


I love this idea. I feel like it will really help with our character's story.

Alyn Revilo

This is such a good idea! It gives more of a chance to experience things with Qiu and Tamarack, add some drama in potentially disappointing one of them if we end the step (I say like I'm not gonna go through each Moment per step because I'd feel too bad otherwise) and like it is mentioned in the post there's all the replay-ability in everything this way! I look forward to seeing it all unfold!


Oh this is SUCH and amazing idea! The liberty you're giving players..! Wow! Also holy moly as a writer and programming-school drop-out I admire the weaving this takes


Incremental differences are I love it. I'm looking forward to a day collecting all differences.


what do you mean at the end there


I got the email for this update while I was out with a friend. Opened Patreon as soon as I got home to read it, and was not disappointed. As someone who knows absolutely nothing about programming, all of the advancements in OL2 continue to astound me. The cool things you and the team come up with are so innovative! I want to hop into a time machine so I can experience the full thing now!


Oh this idea is SO fun! I’m super excited to see how the moments play out!!


One of the reasons I have fallen in love with OL is how much quality are put in their slice of life plots. I loved in OL1 that events in previous one-shots **cough** I mean, moments, can matter to the current one. I think that this feature reinforce this aspect of OL that I love so much. Making the player feel like their actions and decisions actually matter is magical. I get more and more excited about this game! Keep up the good work!


I love this so much 😭


I mean even though the Moments are linked, you're not forced to play both. You can still choose to skip a Moment if you want to.


That feature sound so cool and smooth !


Nice I can’t wait, I’m so excited to see what cool feature that comes next!


Gamechanger -- Seriously. You continue to impress! A fan of the realism + option to willingly choose not to do a moment and get to see and experience those consequences, especially since I have a MC that's not as fond of Qiu in step 1. Tremendously excite to see how these epic layers play off each other in action! WERK!!