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Hi everyone!

We've got this month's question thread ready to go. The questions sent in will get answered at the end of the month in a recording with a text transcript to go along with it.

Small disclaimer and guidelines: 

1. Please don't reply to other people's questions even if you know the answer. The fun of joining a Q&A is that the developer can give a direct response to you and that everyone else also gets to hear/see the answer in the end of the month post. Having another player resolve the question in the comments right here might not be what the asker was hoping for. This thread is more about having a good time rather than looking for an immediate response to an important question. And if you do have a question you want to hear about right away, it's best to ask in some other thread or to message me directly. 

2. I'm afraid questions about what scenes/choices Our Life: Now & Forever will include aren't answerable right now. Most of the details are decided as the game is created and currently I'm only writing the prologue of Step 1. So, I can't answer questions relating to what for sure will or won't happen past that point. I do know some things coming later, but only a small fraction of the whole game.

3. And the questions can't be about more serious/potentially upsetting topics because I don't want those listening to suddenly be surprised with something they might not have been prepared for/want to be confronted with.

Thanks everybody!


The thread will close after April 19th.

You can also find answers for more basic info like heights, birthdays, timelines, and such in the Overall FAQ.

Overall FAQ

And that's everything. Have fun to those who participate in the Q&A!



Do we actually get to run away in OL2?


Hello, GB Lady! Thanks for all the hard work! I've been looking forward to the Baxter DLC release! Here I have some questions about the three characters in OL1: (1) What do you think of their MBTI? (2) I want to know what is their libido level like? Is someone particularly hypersexual or frigid? (3) We know that Cove often brings a pile of sand home and smears it on his pants after eating, so how is he doing housework? And after they are with MC, will they be willing to share housework? (4) When they like MC, do they get jealous when they see MC being intimate with others? Thank you for answering and wish you good luck^^.


Why are your games so amazing and who is canonically better at catching fireflies between Elizabeth, Mom, and Ma?


I was wondering whether the ‘charity’ moment would have any changes if the mc is going out with baxter? love the games so much, it’s clear how much effort and care goes into them, and i can’t wait for ol2!!


Hello! I was going to ask on Tumblr then remembered this thread LOL! Thank you once again for all the hard work you’ve been doing so far this year :-) I found out not too long after playing the first game that I am on the neurodivergent spectrum, and would love to know if we can choose any identifier choices like that in the upcoming OL2 game, similar to how Cove realized this about himself in later steps as well?


I don't know if this is the type of question you're looking for lol but I'd like to know how Cove, Qiu and Tamarack would all react to MC having a botched hair dye job :') Only cause I dyed my hair today and I realised it was gonna look bad. Made me sad and I ended up wondering how my fave characters would deal with/react to it!


It's my first time jumping into a Q/A post, but I'm desperate for some backstory on one thing in particular - could you provide some insight on Baxter's thoughts/feelings/mindset when it comes to an MC who kept trying to contact him after he left? (Assuming he didn't just block us all until after the reunion in step 4 where he has an actual need to speak to us again lmao.) I'm especially curious for a situation where the MC starts out messaging very frequently and then less and less over time as they lose hope and eventually stop trying to contact him all together and whether he notices/minds that the calls and/or messages have stopped. Thank you for considering an answer! Baxter lives rent free in my mind even more than Cove did and I didn't ever think that was going to happen so hats off to you and the team. He's a complex and fascinating character and I am enthralled.


Hi! Will the existing script for Baxter’s DLC that we’ve already seen be altered (i.e. actual script alterations, not just changing typos etc) before the final,complete beta, and before the release? I’d like to replay when it’s all set.


If the full Sunset Bird crew were playing a big DnD campaign, what would everyone's race and class be?


I hope you’re having a wonderful day!!! :D Not sure if this has been asked but will there ever be anymore merchandise for the our life games, ever since I’ve had the cove plush I’ve been wondering if there’ll be other plushies or maybe posters, etc.


Does any of the LI's from our life and our life 2, have a favourite video game? Like among us , animal crossing or BTD6 or something along those lines?


Hello! Thanks as always for the amazing work and amazing games <3 my question is: Is Qiu assigned male at birth and they choose their gender identity later on?


I've noticed that while the games are generally very diverse(Which I really appreciate), there haven't been any characters with overt physical disabilities, is there any particular reason for this, or simply just not something that's come up? Do you listen to music while writing to set the tone, and if so, what albums? And, Sorry if this breaks Rule 3, but were there any moments/plot points you wanted to include, but weren't able to either due to the teen target audience or the more feel-good vibe of the game?


As we've seen Step 4 Baxter is open to wearing more colours now, does he still always opt for darker colours (like the purple shirt)? Or is he comfortable with even khaki (!) now


if the OL1 love interests wanted to learn a second language for fun, what would it be? thank you for doing these!!


If the characters of OL1 (Liz, Cove, Derek, Baxter, Terry, Miranda) could travel back in time for 1 day, how far would they go back? Like, only several decades back to see their parents as children or in the Edwardian era or maybe to the times of dinosaurs lol


Not sure if these have already been asked/answered somewhere, but what is Baxter's ethnicity? How long is the Step 4 content in the Baxter DLC? Would the LIs be interested in playing board games or video games? If so, which ones?


I noticed that Tamarack's icon on the updated bio images seems to feature a unique mouth layer that includes her braces. Assuming that I'm seeing things correctly, do you think this option will be available to the MC as well?


Heya, I was wondering, is there's a chance any of the gbpatch games (be it past or future) will be formated for/added to the Nintendo switch store? Forever ago I saw a fellow fan create a faux Our Life: Beginnings And Always game cartridge that still fools me to this day thinking it actually exists! I of course believe it would be amazing to have gbpatch games on the switch store for purchase but it's understandable if that isn't a very feasible option (plus I really don't know the process of making something computer to console friendly T-T) No matter what, the effort you and your crew have put into every game is quality at it's finest and the work is always stunning 💛💛💛


Will you be going back and adding Xavier's sprite to their old scenes from the Cove wedding dlc from before they had a sprite?


I'm really sorry, I don't know anything about DnD and can't make a good guess on that.