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Alright everybody, this should be the penultimate beta for Baxter! Step 3 was finished before and now there's a very good amount of Step 4 to experience. But, as you might be able to tell from the screenshot, Baxter's not gonna make things easy. For the MC or himself. Good luck, ahah. 

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Important Notes To Play the Beta:

  • You access Baxter's Step 3 Moments by clicking a yellow button on the right hand side of the Moment Selection Screen.
  • The extra Step 3 scene for Baxter in the 'and then summer ended' section happens after the credits!
  • You need to play all of Baxter's Step 3 Moments to get the option to play Baxter's Step version of Step 4.
  • Baxter's DLC begins in the Step 3 opening. You can play from the beginning of the story until that point or start a new file and use an option at the start of the beta to skip right to Step 3.
  • Save files from this beta won't work in other beta builds or the main game. You can load saves from the main game in the beta but you need to play Step 3 from the beginning to see the new content.

New Content:

  • A large portion of Baxter Step 4 was implemented
  • Over 51,000 words of new content was added in total
  • The Baxter DLC should work with Cove's content in terms of logical continuity, though more bonus alterations may be added over time
  • Missing and incomplete art from prior builds got added
  • Errors were fixed from the previous beta

I hope the continuation of his story was worth the wait, especially after how things worked out in Step 3. Baxter loves to be unique and his DLC is quite different from everything else in Our Life. Thank you for all of the feedback so far!




he makes me so viscerally angry because that is also exactly how i used to be i am so upset

Anna Bia

I've just found out that if we tell Baxter he is our first crush (right now) he doesn't ask us to start dating and i am SCREAMING!!!!

Konoi Kurozora

You mean, if the MC tells Baxter they started crushing on him when meeting during Step 3 instead of the crush having started in Step 2?

Anna Bia

Yes! If we tell him he was the crush when they met in step 2 is okay, but if it is in step 3 he got scared in the end of the moment i was so shocked! He's so cute if MC tells him but in the end he don't ask them to date him


Omg I am so in love with the Baxter Demo (Even if he is mean) My only problem is if you are in step 4 and you baking with Baxter (The part where you answer of you are good at baking) it either crashes or says An exception has occurred. And its annoyed me cuz I'd never gotten this before and I wanna know what happens T-T

Tiara Sanders

If you got the same one I did there should be an "ignore" option you can click


This Beta was just *chef's kiss* !!! I am hoping for a little revival of the "in for a penny, in for a pound" line he said a few times in Step 3, but that's just because I'm a sucker for the sentimental <3 thank you for all your hard work!


The way this man still has a chokehold on me, even after the way things ended in Step 3. The amount of times I wished there was an option to slap him, and other times wanted to just give him a hug, were too numerous to count. He's world's away from how things can end with Derek, that it's like an entirely different story. It must be true, because I think I'm tearing up a lot more here, and for different reasons still. I don't think my heart is ready for what's still to come. I'll be waiting with bated breath. Thank you for bringing this story to life, it'll be something I'll always remember.


Just finished the beta and oh how my heart aches for Baxter, I just wanna wrap my arms and legs around him and never let him go, I want to give him sweet kisses all over and tell him everything is alright. You and your team are doing such amazing work and really do know how to make me feel for this man 💘 He tries so hard to be professional but just can't help himself around MC but also won't allow himself to get caught up in the feelings as well 😭

Konoi Kurozora

That's interesting! Not something I'd discover on my playthrough since my MC has been crushing since Step 2, but fascinating to know.

Anna Bia

Mine too, but well... i was curious so here we are 🤭 GB told me that Baxter would never have a fling with someone that have feelings for him so we miss the chance, i think it was an amazing thing to add! Shows a lot about Baxter


I've been living for the angst choices... letting the sad flow through me has been so fun! Excited for the next part of the beta


Finally was able to play this..... and i dunno.....


Just played the DLC for Baxter and I love it! I am a sucker for angst and heart wrenching romances, so the storyline is top tier for me! I just hope he gets a small spicy scene like we did with Derek's DLC >_< I think my only disgruntle was the drinks DLC there was a lot of dialogue for the drink show and it became a bit tedious for me. All in all, I can not wait for the final release its going to be amazing!


AHH omg ive been waiting for a baxter DLC since i discovered the game and fell in love with him :') i was going to wait til the official release but i couldn't resist playing the beta anymore!!


I underestimated how hard Baxter was gonna make this for me and there's a few times I wish I could slap or shake Baxter due to all the whiplash. Honestly, would love an eyeroll, scoff, or other obviously offended option after Baxter's "explanation" when you get him to take a "break" after the Xake visit.


"...Baxter's not gonna make things easy. For the MC or himself." I should have taken that warning more seriously. #heartbroken