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Man, I can't wait until that becomes true. I'm getting real close to finishing the Step 1 Prologue script. That'll be something. This is gonna be a long journey for us all, aha.




looking forward to the game! it definitely gives off a more calming experience in this game compared to OL1 but i can’t wait🥹


So excited for this game. 😭Our Life 1 is my comfort game and I’m sure this one will also be a favourite!🥺I love replaying the beta.🥰


So exciting!!By the way,will OL2 be update monthly after the new dlc of OL1 launched?I just feel that I kind of can't wait to play more!😫And thank you for making those fantastic games! 😘


From Cove's Wedding to Baxter's DLC, OL2 shared development with OL1. It's going to take a while to get used to Golden Grove getting the spotlight while Sunset Bird's time is completed. 🏞🏖


Our Life 1 is my comfort game, so I'm so thrilled for the Baxter DLC and Our Life 2! It's going to be great 🥰


so excited!!! can't wait to see more of this beautiful town 😊


You can do it! 😊 i believe in you!


Can't wait for the full game! 😊 I made a kickstarter account so I can give you guys more money when you announce the project there. 💖


We will aim to have OL2 monthly updates every month later this year! Thank you :D

Konoi Kurozora

This is so exciting! You know, it's funny... fall is my favorite season, and I love mountains and woods and stuff like that. On the other hand, I don't like summer much, and I don't like beaches much either. So obviously, the "mood" in OL2 is more up my alley than the one in OL1... But despite all of that, I'm so so attached to the OL1 cast, and well - like I always say, I have rarely loved a love interest in a game as much as I love Baxter. Back when not even the mariage DLC was released, I was a bit frustrated we'd be getting the mariage DLC AND Derek's DLC before Baxter's, since that was what I was waiting for. But since then, I've come around. Having things in that order made me play the entirety of the DLCs. I don't think I'll be able to go back to any other path after Baxter, so it's nice to say goodbye to Sunset Bird with a bang - with my favorite character and my "canon route" so to speak. I'm sort of happy Golden Grove is more like "my type" of setting too, because that means going into it knowing that will sort of negate the slight sadness at knowing the Sunset Bird's group's adventures will reach an end. Yeah, long story short, I can't wait for the next update of the OL1 DLC and for what's to come in OL2


Keep up the good work !


I can tell it's going to come out awesome!! I can't wait!

Tiara Sanders

Just finished the demo and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to following the progress on the game. Luckily for Tamarack my MC doesn't share the personality I had at 10 lol. Her personality would have scared me as a kid since I was that shy "leave me alone while I read" kid who read during recess.