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Scott is under the belief that Baxter could actually be in a long-term relationship. What a poor, sweet man 😔. 

But now we know where Xavier fits into things. That was probably pretty obvious, haha.




“I’m unmarried…” NOT FOR LONG, BAXY-BOY. 😎


I’ve never played the betas before because I’d rather wait to get the full experience… but I finally gave in and now I’m in pain THIS MAN HAS TOO MUCH POWER 😭


Baxter wanting to let MC know he's unattached and 100% unmarried and totally single for reasons. A simple I'm not married would have worked here but he wanted it known he was available. I see you Baxter. I see you. 😏

Amy Eklund

I love how everyone jumped immediately on how Baxter goes, "Not only am I unmarried, but I'm also completely single! *cough cough* hint hint! *cough cough* Oh, do excuse me, my allergies are acting up this time of year." Though my MC will need him to do some grand gesture to get back into his good graces!

Konoi Kurozora

Gaaah his reactions make me so sad. My MC will probably be dying inside from the want to hug him.


I wonder if this takes place before or after our wedding with Cove, if we choose that option? Very interested to see how the original wedding differs from the Baxter dlc!


It happens before! You can't do the wedding DLC and the Baxter DLC together. You can't even do Cove's normal Step 4 content if you're doing the Baxter story, I'm afraid.

T Payne

Not even as a friend route? Cause I think I got engaged to Cove in step 3 and played a platonic Derek Step 4 (still just as heartwarming). Then did the wedding DLC It's fine to me if it doesn't work that way, I just want to clarify. Love the game, excited for this route.


I'm sorry, that's not supposed to be possible either. If you could play the Wedding DLC after the Derek storyline you got an unusual glitch that doesn't happen to most players. Only one version of Step 4 can be played, and the only version of Step 4 that leads into the Wedding DLC is the Cove one. Derek's and Baxter's don't lead to it even if you were engaged to Cove already.


I wonder if the reason the MC is so close to this is because someone from the group recommended them to help at a certain point since they did a great job with a previous celebration. 🤔


Why do I feel like this Step 4 is a telenovelas really to happen....? LOL


This makes me want so badly to see how Baxter would have his wedding planned and mostly importantly the Vows! 💒💐👰😍😭


i know it wasnt intended to be this bc of your caption, but Scott's question reminded me of a "Are you asking Baxter if he's single FOR ME?" in that Parks & Rec ("Those pants look great. And I bet they would look even better on Ben's floor."/)"Are you hitting on Leslie FOR ME?" way and i love that, for me (ba da tish), so much lmao


the baxter content we're getting is making me THRIVE, the way this man has a chokehold on me


Really? Ah man! I was so excited to see all of Derek's family at the wedding. It would have been cool if we could invite Jude and Scott to the wedding too... oh well! So long as I can marry Cove, I'm happy!


I don't know about anyone else, but I would love some jealous cove scenes with the prospect of Baxter taking you XD

T Payne

So that's a glitch? Huh, well I'm not complaining. Made a nice story for me choosing my best man. I'll keep that in mind going forward.