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Alright, there was nobody who needed a new voice in all of Baxter's Step 3 content, but things have changed now that the script for Step 4 is well on its way. We've got three roles available; Jude, Xavier, and Scott.

This is, amazingly, the final casting call we'll be doing for Our Life: Beginnings & Always. Thank you to everyone who checks it out.

Details here!




OH WOW A FINAL CASTING CALL! I can't believe OL:BA is almost done


OMG I'm so excited


this has me SO excited to the point that i'm even heavily contemplating sending in an audition 😭


Oh my Gosh!! Xavier is gonna have voiced lines???? Aaahh This is amazing!!! I love them-


Good luck everyone!


They're all so pretty <3

Shannon Hash

Omg I wish I had a decent mic so baaaad. All I have is a gaming headset mic 😭


I just realized something. Does Xavier have a feminine or masculine voice or something more androgynous?


It's not super masculine, but could be more feminine or androgynous. I don't set voice plans too specifically before hearing the people who actually audition for the role.

Shannon Hash

Finally got up the courage to send in my audition T-T I knew I'd regret not at least shooting my shot lol I hope y'all find the perfect fits for each role!


I love Xavier so much and will consider submitting something... It's been a while since I felt nervous just thinking about something like this, but it would be the ultimate honour just to apply for the role! T_T


So awesome of you guys to open casting calls to your fans/patreon supporters! I enjoy getting to take a shot at it even if I’m not cast :)

Shannon Hash

You should try! How cool would it be if you got picked? Worst case scenario you don't get it, but still get the confidence boost of taking the leap. I submitted for Xavier even though I was really anxious about it myself 😅


Talk about last minute, but just sent my audition in tonight! :)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-29 22:31:16 I love Xavier and hope for more chances to interact with them <3 they should really get a scene with Baxter and I at the end where we are a happy couple and they can be like "told you so" xD
2023-03-28 16:53:07 I love Xavier and hope for more chances to interact with them <3 they should really get a scene with Baxter and I at the end where we are a happy couple and they can be like "told you so" xD

I love Xavier and hope for more chances to interact with them <3 they should really get a scene with Baxter and I at the end where we are a happy couple and they can be like "told you so" xD