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Hello! We've got a little bonus poll today for everyone at tier 2 and up because it's only really relevant to those tiers. It's about how we release updates for the Our Life: Now & Forever prologue beta.

I mentioned in a dev post that we'd probably only update it every two or three months, but that was because I personally never like to release betas unless 10k+ new words have been added. The team can't write, edit, program, and test 10k+ words for OL2 in a month while the focus is on the Derek DLC, so that makes consistent updates to that beta not an option by those standards. 

Though, it could be just me who thinks updates have to have 10k+ words to be worth releasing. If updates were shorter it'd be possible release new OL2 beta scenes every one to two months instead of two to three. For example, there's around 6k words of scenes that could come out in April, if people wanted them to. Or we could wait until May or June until another 4k+ was finished to have the next beta build release. 

So, that's why we've got this poll today. If you prefer waiting for more substantial updates, or you'd like more regular beta launches, or it doesn't matter that much, feel free to let me know!



Longer. Having more is better and worth the wait.


honestly, whatever's an easier workload for you guys to do. I can see why frequent updates can help keep the hype alive but also having something to actually play is a good call too.

Astro Is Alive

I liked the little updates, but I wanna be able to play a moment/scene from start to finish without a pause in between. It'll be more rewarding in the long run since there will be more and gives you and the team more time to do things with it. (Plus me and everyone else dosen't want anyone to overwork themselves)

Weehaw Willow

I would totally go for the "wait until later", But I was really hoping at least one more would be out this month. But whatever happens, I won't complain!

Serena Divinity

I honestly don't mind waiting, especially when months go by super fast for me

Erin Audley

I prefer shorter updates more frequently, because I am impatient, but also because I like to play a scene from start to finish without pauses and I don't always have the time or mental bandwidth to play something longer. So for me, length is often a detractor.


I know that you all work hard and want to make sure that lots of quality goes into your work. So I do not mind waiting longer for longer updates.


I'm curious and Idk if I'll be answered but it appears that some people are concern that if we do have shorter releases that the scene/moment in the beta will be unfished. and just abruptly stop in a mid-sentence/scene. personally I believe that GB Patch Games wouldn't do that to us. hence why we have such long waits between betas. So I was wondering if the 6k words are a completed scene or not?


The betas would be the same in terms the play experience. They wouldn't be less good, it'd just take less time to reach the end of them! The 6k is two complete scenes.


Now I really wanna play it!! Thanks for answering me, really love your guys games, these games have brought me such joy whenever I'm having a real lousy day.

Jeremiah Mack

Patience is hard to have, but almost always rewards. You do you, at your own pace! I've always enjoyed the works you have released, and its always been worth the wait.


Oh man, I'm caught somewhere between wanting to play each update as soon as I can and wanting to wait for the full release before going any further.

Su Xe (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-06 14:50:39 I can wait. I know of no better dating sim than "our life" Love you guys, take ur time <3 Quality over quantity^^
2022-04-20 14:57:01 I can wait. I know of no better dating sim than "our life" Love you guys, take ur time <3 Quality over quantity^^

I can wait. I know of no better dating sim than "our life" Love you guys, take ur time <3 Quality over quantity^^

Hann Hensley

Keep doing you and making amazing games! Trust me when I say we will patiently wait for updates when y’all can! Thank you for all your hard work! It doesn’t go unnoticed!