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More Opal content. Your mom doesn't mess around, haha.




The text boxes are very cute, but it d be nice if they were slightly transparent. They cover up the whole screen and it s kinda funny seeing moms head popping up at the top


And thus, the nickname "Stinker" was born 😝


It’s cute but having such a large text box may not be ideal 🤔


So cute I just wanna squish both their cheeks


She's funny !! 😊 The arrow/the choice could be more "obvious" though (hover, different underline, changing text color or something)


Looks good!


I would love if you could make the text boxes more transparent; the game looks so good so far; can’t wait 😩💕


Wait. Is MC's default name Franky? If so, OMG too cute!


I agree, the arrow kinda blends in with the artwork. I didn't actually notice it until it was pointed out by this comment. Could it come in from the right so it's inside the text box or the center of the box if there are two columns? Or maybe if it was a design similar to the acorn icon at the top? That might be easier to code and less likely to cause confusion.

Cheese-And-Rice, Mooney

This is totally unrelated to the mom of OL2, but I remember reading that since it's autumn there will be some school scene (but I don't remember which post it was) and I just thought that it would be adorable to scribble on each other hands during school just for joking. I remember that me and a friend of mine always did that and even other people, it was almost a fight XD Still it was really funny to do and I think it would be cute in the game.