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Derek's time has finally come in his DLC and he's ready to be the gentleman he's always wanted to be for the MC 😊. Even though Soiree is one event that's the same from the Cove storyline it's still very much a new kind of experience because of boys' quite different attitudes, haha.




AyEE my second best boy💕


Can't wait to experience the Soiree with Derek. He's very cute.


I really Look forward to it 😍

Cheese-And-Rice, Mooney

One question, is the option to invite him already available? Tecnically I have all the DLC for the game but I really can't seem to get Derek (if it's available) and even if I keep a platonic relationship with Cove and try to make everything to please Derek or making him feel more interested in me etc. I just can't get his Route. I don't know if I'm missing something or if it's not really available yet and I'm already trying for two days to do it, I tried to look on Google and Youtube again but no one consider this poor sweet boy.


Yes and NO. You can call him for intivation, but during current stage of game - something would interrupt for success. When DLC would be finished there shall be option that would success to access Derek's Route. For now it doesn't exist in available game.


After seeing her sketches, I can 100% picture Derek’s mum helping him get ready and looking dapper 😂😍


So cute. x3


Yeah, sorry for the confusion. This is just a sneak peek. We haven't released any playable content where you can pursue a relationship with Derek in Step 2 or 4. Only Cove's story has come out.


I love his little tie


Though Cove will probably remain my favorite, I am VERY excited to play through with Derek (and Baxter). A few of my MCs had a crush on him that never went anywhere but now 😈

Cheese-And-Rice, Mooney

Why is he so precious? I'm literally crying of cuteness, that much cuteness should be illegal. Now that I think about it though, will there be a chance to kiss Baxter or Derek (either in Step 2 DLC or in Step 4)? I feel like Baxter totally wouldn't miss the opportunity to kiss the MC XD However Derek I don't know if he will, but if he does and it will happen in Step 2 then I need to prepare myself because if the kiss with Cove in Step 2 was adorable and it killed me I'm sure I will die for Derek too XD I mean, I'm already dying just with seeing him like this. Anyway kiss or not the DLC will be amazing!


let us kiss them D:




During one playthrough, I was Indifferent to Cove, but was very friendly towards Derek. I didn't know at the time that there wasn't an option to get closer to Derek. So when the time came to ask him to the dance (as a friend), I felt really sad when his mother told me he was too busy to go to the dance 😭 Add that to the ending where I was completely and utterly alone except for my Moms and Liz.... I'm looking forward to this DLC 😁