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You and Qiu against the world. They're the last person who's gonna tell you you're wrong in teenage angsting. Autumn will totally support you, haha.




Oml, this is bringing back memories when I threatened to run away lol (you don't get far with that threat with Caribbean parents 😅) Anyway, can't wait to see what this entails!


a true friend!!!


Wait Qiu you're supposed to talk me *out* of bad ideas


well.... at least he knows better than to try stopping a mule?? XD


Can Qiu please get a ponytail hairstyle in step 3? I would 😱


All we need is a treehouse and some goods then we're good to go!


LMAO rather than stopping or helping the new kid run away, we ARE the new kid running away 😂😂😂 Cove 🤝 OL2 MC -> escaping the neighborhood

Damaris Vargas

I wanted to run away as a kid too. But as I graved my things like clothes and stuff, I realized that nothing of those things belonged to me since my parents bought them. Making me uncapable of taking anything. And with nothing that was actually mine I didn't feel like I could do anything so I just got depressed and cried until I got over it.

Cheese-And-Rice, Mooney

It's funny how we either stopped the runaway kid or went with the runaway kid while he/they simply can't wait to run away with us without even trying to stop us XD (I'm using He/They because I saw that in the recent description the pronouns now are He/They but I don't know what he/they will chose as adult or if he/they are fine with both so I just use both until the game confirm it XD)


Yes! Now its my turn to run! xD