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Excitingly we've got the first look at a full background from Our Life: Now & Forever (as opposed to just the sky, haha)! 

It's a very nice scene and you can expect to see this spot a lot. It's the walking path near your neighborhood that leads deeper into the mountain/forest ❤




This looks amazing omg!!


so pretty 🥺


Look at all the toadstools on the trees!! This place is gonna look freaking magical when it's done 😃😄


A path leading away into the forest... the promise of adventure! 🤩

Pri Karin

This is so cool!! I freaking love forests, it's gonna be awesome to have these sceneries in the game!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-06 14:54:58 It looks amazing, I really hope we get to see deer or some other animals <3
2021-04-18 20:02:31 It looks amazing, I really hope we get to see deer or some other animals <3

It looks amazing, I really hope we get to see deer or some other animals <3

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-06 14:54:58 the creative process all over again! it's so fun to watch. :D It was fun being around for the long haul for Beginnings and Always and it will be the same here with N&amp;A. :D
2021-04-19 02:09:46 the creative process all over again! it's so fun to watch. :D It was fun being around for the long haul for Beginnings and Always and it will be the same here with N&A. :D

the creative process all over again! it's so fun to watch. :D It was fun being around for the long haul for Beginnings and Always and it will be the same here with N&A. :D