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Hey! We've got another of those quick polls. We're still looking to hire a second CG artist for Our Life and have gotten a new test sample sent in. 

As before, we'd like you to let us know what you think of it. We attached an image with Cove's sprite on the left and the test image on the right. Please vote on if you like the idea of this look being used in CGs or if you think it wouldn't fit.

And here's the first test run, we've added an extra choice to simply say you prefer this attempt overall. 

Here is a link to the poll for that one if you want to give your specific opinion on it.  

Poll ends on the 30th!



little cove's ear isn't as detailed as the original sprite's and I feel like the hair could use a bit more focus on matching the fluffiness, the face feels a bit off, i think it's the forehead, it feels too flat? that could just be me, but the cg artist is doing really well because those are the only things that feel off and i feel two of those were kind of nitpicky!


It is a little hard to judge without backgrounds, but I think both styles have their strengths as CGs. They're not exact replicas of the sprites but many CG styles are further than what we're seeing here, I find so I don't think that's really an issue.


With the Test 1 CG, I really liked that even though it’s not exactly the same style, there’s a softer “glow” (? Idk how to describe it) that makes it seem much more important to look at. The Test 2 art doesn’t have that same “oomph”


Okay, it's nice to know that kind of lighting effect is important. Thank you!


It's very, very close! The only thing I noticed was that the hairlines on the second drawing seem higher than that of the style on the left. Aside from that, I think they match really well!