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Another new sprite is done. It's Kyra Preece, aka Cove's Mom! Now you can see the whole family together and they're all so pretty, haha.




OHHH- she’s gorgeous! In fact, that entire family is gorgeous ughh! I wonder why Cliff and her split? They look like the ultimate beach couple lol


What a babe. Surfer dude x beach hippy isn’t the best match I guess. Super excited to learn more about her!


What a stunning lady! Now I really want to know what kind of person she is. I can't wait to learn the backstory of this family! Even though I'm a little nervous about it for some reason hah >.<


Haha, yeah, they're an unfairly pretty group. I'm sure that'll come up in the game~


Thank you! There will be backstory coming. Hopefully it'll be a good time.


Yeah I'm curious about her personality too!


I'm curious about her personality mainly because Cliff gets full custody of Cove and that usually only happens if something is not working out with the mom in question. so I have all kinds of questions. lol, hopefully, it's mainly that she's too much of a free spirit.


I've said it before but - she's so pretty! And seeing her with Cove shows that he comes into his tall genes quite honestly (even if she does seem likely to be in wedges or something similar). I'm very excited to see her in-game.


You'll definitely get to know her better and learn some family backstory in the game~


Haha, yep, Cove really got those tall genes. Hopefully it won't be too much longer until we can add events with her.