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Cove is the odd behaving and oddly named main love interest of Our Life: Beginnings & Always. At the start of the game he's only 8 years old. By the end he's 23. You'll get to grow up right alongside him.

In this post we'll focus on his 8-year-old self, which is also known as the Step 1 version of Cove. The game is divided into four 'Steps' that each take place during a different point of Cove's and the MC's lives. 


Cove doesn’t reach out to others on his own. He may even try to avoid getting into a conversation by hiding/running off. But when he does need to speak with someone Cove is in the middle between being warm and cold. He speaks to people in a purely honest way. He simply puts his thoughts out there without attempting to be friendly or off-putting about it. The only exception to that is when he’s angry at a specific person. In that case he can be intentionally hurtful towards them. But that’s very rare. Usually whether he’s happy, sad, or whatever he’ll still speak straightforwardly without being kinder or colder based on his mood. He’ll just have a different expression on his face as he openly shares his thoughts. Unless he’s close with the MC, the things he says will often be how he doesn’t want to keep talking to them and wants to go back to being alone. 

He has a habit of blurting out things that have nothing to do with the current topic at hand. He’ll just start to think of stuff and doesn’t see any reason not to mention it regardless of the situation. It’s common for him to end up shifting the entire subject of a conversation. Part of this is because he can get bored with talking quickly. Unless it’s something he knows and likes, he’ll lose interest in whatever is being discussed and his mind will wander.  

Cove is not a super tough boy. He can have his feelings hurt or become disheartened pretty easily. He’s also not one to put on a brave face. He cries pretty often and doesn’t put in any effort to hide his tears from others. He doesn’t like change at all and that’s another thing that can get him down.  

As he grows up Cove's personality can switch to being warmer or colder or remain in the middle ground.


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