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Happy Project W Wednesday 😄

This time I feel like rambling about the creation process again. Something that's hopefully going to be neat about Project W is the size of the cast and the amount of stuff that's going on. There are three leads and those people have entirely different lives. They're not neighbors, they're not kids who don't have much prior history. They're full grown individuals with their own friends, co-workers, antagonists, etc. And there are not separate character routes; everything for everyone is going on at the same time. It makes for a busy place, haha. You'll certainly be pulled in different directions, with many options for making your way through the goings ons.

The MC has people connected specifically to them too. There's gonna be a set of characters who, in an Our Life game, would be the only characters around. It'd be an entire cast for a Step! In Project W, those characters are a small element of a much larger situation. They fit into the story in a neat way, not exactly "normal" parts of the events. You can still choose how you interact with them and if you like them or not, but you'll have to wait to find out why they're somewhat unusual.

This idea for the MC's circumstances was how I fixed one of the major problems in my original idea for Project W, the version of the game that was scrapped at the start of this year. Hopefully the plans come together well!

Honestly, I'm pretty nervous about this game. GB Patch Games has been in the VN sphere for several years, the OL games are considered quality commercial projects, and there's a player base who are gonna be excited for what we do next. It's fair to expect the game will be good , but I'm not going into this as an expert. I'm a total beginner on large, plot-focused stories set in fantastical, historical worlds. There's so many ways something could fall flat or be confusing and tons of opportunities that could be missed. Though, there's no other type of story I want to make after OL2. So, I'm just gonna have to go for it! We'll all see how it goes, aha.

And that's this month's post. Thank you for reading.

Previous Posts---- 

January 2024 (Basic Info)

February 2024 (Time Period, world, and MC details) 

March 2024 (Story and release structures)

April 2024 (A bit of leading character details)

May 2024 (Info on the brainstorming process)

June 2024 (Explaining serious content level)


Konoi Kurozora

As usual I'm so excited to see this! I wouldn't be that worried about stuff falling flat and what not though, that's what testing is for! If you put betas up on Patreon like you're doing with OL now, a lot of people are going to play them, so you'll notice pretty fast if something is really wrong!


I'm sure with time you can figure everything out and things will fall into place. Of course Project W is very different from OL despite a few similarities in structure and mechanics so it's understandable that it's scary but i'm sure a lot of people will help along with the development and it's going to be it's own, unique story to be enjoyed!