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Hi everyone!

I'm writing this ahead of time. It'll be over a week later when the post actually goes live, haha. March wasn't a full month of development for me. All of my game progress ended back on the 22nd. I left for a trip on the 23rd. I won't be home until April 7th.

However, over twenty days of work is still plenty of time to get things done. So, here's a breakdown of what happened this past month-

Monthly Content Summary:

Step 1 has just kept trucking along. The eighth Moment of Step 1 was written and the ninth Moment was drafted.

Word-count-wise, I drafted 13,250 words. And then I properly scripted 24,300 words. That means the total words for March was 37,550.

The last scenes of this month's beta and everything for April's beta got programmed. It was 20,950 words of content added to the build.

Wow, there was actually more programmed in March than in February. Plus, the word count only came up a little short of my usual goal of 40k+ per month. That's great, all things considered!

I also spent a good amount of time making and scheduling posts to go up here on Patreon and social media for the couple weeks while I'm away.

Lastly, I made Steam and Itch pages for the OL1 artbook. I didn't have time to upload the file and make it purchasable, though.

Important Links:

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  • Patreon Q&A

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Viewable at Tier 1 or higher

  • Project W Post: March 2024

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Alright, things went well. I couldn't have managed to do much more than that in the amount of time there was. So, no complaints. And I have another post scheduled to go up tomorrow about what my plans are for April 😄




Another wonderful month of progress

Alyn Revilo

Thank you for all the hard work! The March betas were so fun to play and hit me right in the feels especially what happens when we leave with Tamarack. Don't get me wrong Qiu's venting about how he isn't entirely sure why he always feels the need to be perfect or fix everything got me in the heart too but hearing Tamarack's cry about never being someone's first choice was just so hnnngh. Looking forward to what comes next!