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Look at all those cute little alterations for heading towards school on a typical day. And that's not even all of them, you can also be running there and going without Tamarack and/or Qiu.

This is the reason things take so long writing this game. You take a concept as simple as "going to class", something that could be described in a couple hundred words or even just a couple sentences if the MC did it in a single way and instead you have to write over 2,000 words before the real event can even begin. But that's also one of the reasons it's fun to play 😌

Pure Text:

if early with qiu and not running:

qiu “We’re gonna beat everybody today, maybe even Mrs. Murray!”

if praising/admiring and not silent:

mc “Maybe. Why not? She’s the teacher, but you’re practically the president of this class.”

qiu “Thanks, [first_name].”

if silent praising/admiring:

“You nodded along. Why not? She was the teacher, but Qiu was practically the president of the class.”

if teasing and not silent:

mc “If you put it that way, Tamarack might start going ahead of us for a change.”

qiu “I bet you’re right.”

“You shared a stifled snicker in the checkered hall.”

if teasing and silent:

“If Qiu put it that way to Tamarack, she might start going ahead of you for a change.”

“You stifled a snicker in the checkered hall.”

if teamworking/accepting and not silent:

mc “Yeah.”


if on time with qiu and tamarack:

qiu “We have gotta be the coolest crew in class. I bet everyone is waiting for us to arrive.”

tam “Yeah!”

if praising/admiring and not silent:

mc “If they’re not, they should be.”

qiu “Exactly.”

if silent praising/admiring:

“If they’re not, they should be. [Qiu was/Tamarack was/Qiu and Tamarack were] great.”

if teasing and not silent:

mc “Yep. They’re waiting. They wanna know what goofy thing [Qiu is/Tamarack is/you two are] gonna do next.”

tam “It’s more fun being funny.”

“You shared a stifled snicker in the checkered hall.”

if teasing and silent:

“Yep. They probably were waiting. They would wanna know what goofy thing [Qiu was/Tamarack was/those two were] gonna do next.”

“You stifled a snicker in the checkered hall.”

if teamworking/accepting and not silent:

mc “We do stand out.”


if late with tamarack and not running:

tam “Late, late, late. Me and [first_name] are late. Late today, late tomorrow. You can wait. Late, late, late~”

if praising/admiring and not silent:

mc “That’s a beautiful song, Tamarack.”

tam “Thanks! I made it up.”

if silent praising/admiring:

“What a wonderful song.”

if teasing and not silent:

mc “Oh yeah, I can tell how much you care about breaking the rules.”

“You shared a stifled snicker in the checkered hall.”

if teasing and silent:

“Oh yeah, you could tell how much she cared about breaking the rules. You stifled a snicker in the checkered hall.”

if teamworking/accepting and not silent:

mc “At least it’s not just one of us.”

tam “Yeah!”





It's so wonderful to see all the different ways this could play out. You work so hard, GB Patch!! 💖💖💖


what app do you use to write on? i like the font