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Aaa hey I'm back and yeah uh the crowdfunding campaign is over here!

I ended up getting lasik on the 26th, which is pretty exciting, but my eyes are definitely still recovering XD I can see the comp okay but everything's a little haloey, and I gotta be careful to not just stare at screens for hours on end. Which is basically my whole life usually!! >:0 But the next page is coming along and will deffo be ready tomorrow, and then things should resume as usual!

Thank you all for your patience while I took the month off. I really do think it helped, and I'm glad I got to get some stuff like this LASIK done in the meantime. Seeya tomorrow for the resumption of shenanigans!




Same issue. Won't ship to Germany. FAQ says they ship internationally so it should work. Tried to send an email to crowdfunding@thehiveworks.com. Email bounced immediatly. The mail account doesn't exist. Sent another one to the other address merch@thehiveworks.com. That one seems to exist.


$33 FOR SHIPPING??? I'd like the physical book, as I have Kiwi Blitz volumes and the first volume of Sleepless Domain, but this?? Aside from the $20 for the book itself, I'm paying almost 175% extra for just.. SHIPPING?? :S I'm.. I'm sorry, I'm a huge fan of your work, but I can't currently budget in a huge chunk like that on effectively nothing.. :(


Yeesh I'm really sorry to hear that >< I know prices have gone up for shipping all over, but some places seem especially bad lately. Hopefully they can eventually come down somehow.