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Eyy! I was gonna do something doofier, but then I felt like getting all romantic for Pride Month. Plus I'm still on my electroswing kick XD So here's some more dancey gals! Plus a wallpaper of that Melony illustration I did for my various social mediaz, and a wallpaper collage of the transformation page :3



Miriam Brown

heww yeaw pawpad socks… i wore mine down to weathered scraps of silicone this past winter bc mine are cheapo amazon ones. but i still love them. great wallpapers, ty!

Packy Anderson

I had this moment this morning where I was confused why Kokoro's and Undine's romance was something for Pride month, and then I realized my brain was just seeing it as "normal".

Brian Harvey

It's true, despite recent setbacks, things have gotten a /lot/ better since I was a kid in the '50s. Now you have to be trans to épater les bourgeois.