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Heya guys, I wanted to let you know about this first.

Once Chapter two of Sleepless Domain ( http://www.sleeplessdomain.com , a comic I currently only write) ends, I will be taking over art duties.

This is going to mean two pages a week that I gotta draw over what I usually do.

My current hope is to keep KB and LSE updating normally during this time, but it's gonna be a tough squeeze. I'll definitely be removing the KB twice weekly goal soon, though I honestly don't know if I can fill its place with something else yet. But in May I'll be moving back to the US, so things will be shaking up then anyway.

Once I'm drawing them, SD pages will go up early here for $5 backers like everything else, so I hope you guys can enjoy them too! Lots of changes are on the horizon, and even I'm not sure what all's going to happen. But I'll do my best to keep you guys updated and make sure nobody's ever paying for something they're not getting. It's really really important to me to deliver on everything I promise here!

In the meantime, the attached image is a concept I did for the environments in SD.  At night the town goes kind of art-crazy, and I wanted it to have a distinctive look each night based on the mood of what's going on. I think it's gonna look really cool, though it'll definitely be a challenge! Gotta keep pushing myself artistically.

Thank you so much to everyone as always for being a part of my patreon, and I'll do my best to not disappoint you guys!

EDIT: Please don't discuss this publicly yet, by the way. It's still a little while before chapter 2 ends, and I wanna make sure people don't bug Oskar the whole time about why he's leaving .__.;;




This is awesome, and good luck juggling all of that stuff! Also, best of luck with the move back home when that rolls around!


I love the style of that environment. If that's how the nights will look in Sleepless Domain, I look forward to it