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Heya guys! If you follow my twitter, you may have already seen a bit of this news. Basically, one of my new free time projects is redrawing all of KB track 1 (and probably track 2 eventually). Obviously time makes us hate all our old work, but there's so many issues with those first 2 chapters that I've always wanted to fix. Redoing 'em will make for a much better book eventually, as well as hopefully helping new readers jump on board online! So that said, I want to the share pages as I finish 'em with you guys first. I'll probably put 'em on the site in scene-based batches, so it'll be a while before even the first chunk makes it onto the site proper. But meanwhile, you guys will be able to see them as they get finished! All that said, here's the updated track title page :) Thank you so much to everyone as always for your support. I was so worried this patreon would only make a few dollars each month when I started, and you guys have seriously blown me away with your generosity and enthusiasm. It means more to me than I can describe without being a big babyperson. I'll keep trying to make it worth your while!




Will we one day have (more) printed versions..?