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Recommend starting a new game

(The game is still in early development so expect some bugs/typo errors, if you encounter them, report them to me by DM me on Discord or the bug-report channel in Discord.)

NEWS: This update is not supposed to be released this soon, I have an emergency surgery so I'll schedule all future posts to be up in time while I'm away.
My sister will take over, feel free to ask her in Discord if you have questions, she will use my Discord.

New in V0.8.1:

+ You can now gift Serin and Resi gifts.

+ Added day/night system (This will create more slots for future girls and OCs).

+ Added Ezra's cabin (placeholder until I back from my surgery).

+ Expanding more places on the east of the island.

+ Added schedule for girls, currently applied to Roxanne and Amy,

Change in V0.8.1:

+ The city's locations will now have their opening and closing times.
+ Changed your options to stretch your body while in Roxanne's belly/womb.

Bugfix in V0.8.1:

+ Fixed some images that not showing.

+ Fixed a bug when you try to escape from Serin while she sleeps

+ Fixed some typos.




good work on the game so far. and hope everything goes well with you on the surgery. take it slow and take all the time you need ok.


Does resi have a Vore route?