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The Expanse Season 6 Episode 4 Review and Reaction.mkv


Varun Laks

Holden and Naomi's scene is easily one of my favorite scenes this season, and overall I think it's one of the best written scenes in the entire series. Where most shows and movies might shy away from scenes like this which have no "correct" answer, I love that The Expanse fully embraces that type of nuance. And yeah I think you're exactly right to feel conflicted about the choice and all the characters' reactions to it. One quick thing, Holden wasn't actually doubling down on the lie while on the Roci's hull with Amos. They were repairing one of the Point Defense Canons (PDCs), not anything with the missiles. So Holden was just trying to make small talk, probably to avoid thinking about his decision. But yeah, I think the conversation with Amos convinced Holden that he can't just keep it to himself as much as he'd like to. And I think deep down, Holden that knew too. As far as the show being done for good, I guess never say never. We're in a time where a lot of shows are getting legacy revivals, so hopefully The Expanse follows suit sometime down the road. Jeff Bezos is a lot of things, but one thing we do know is that he's a big Expanse fan. So maybe if he's bored one day he'll pull the trigger on greenlighting adaptations for the final books lol. Oh and another cool layer to Drummer's speech is that it includes a Game of Thrones Easter Egg. "Unbent, Unbroken, Unbowed" is the House Martell motto. Ty Franck worked on S1 of GoT back when he was still GRRM's assistant and before writing The Expanse books.