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Hey everyone! As you see, I've started reacting to Interview with the Vampire (amc). In addition, I still have 3 episodes of The Expanse Season 6 (patreon exclusive) to finish. Once I'm finished with The Expanse, I'm thinking of adding in one of the following series (either upcoming or currently out). Which would you be most interested to see? Patreon votes count more than those on YouTube so I'm really interested in getting your opinions!

Feel free to comment if you're interested in more than one or if you have other suggestions!



Holy crap you didn't make this easy! I'm going with Saul only because I know it's good! Looking forward to all the rest though! Especially 1899


Better Call Saul is too long...

Molly Sardella

Yeah that's been my main hesitation with BCS, especially since it is difficult for me at times to keep to a consistent schedule with things because of health issues. I might be better off binge watching that on my own time, but we'll see how it goes!