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Hey everybody. I wanted to post a quick update. As you can tell, I haven't been uploading as much lately. I've definitely been hit pretty hard in recovering from traveling for Evo! I've had to take a bit of a break, for the most part, and just focus on supporting friends when I can't do much myself!

With all of that in mind, I've decided that I'm not going to be continuing to film reactions to The Boys Season 3. I apologize for anyone disappointed, but with everything coming up this month (multiple shows including House of the Dragon, She-Hulk and more and more than one major fighting game update) I just think it's too much. Plus I need to edit down my Prey reaction for YouTube still!

I apologize again and hope you all understand and are doing well. I am very excited for the House of the Dragon and hope you are too!



Looking forward to House of the Dragon as well, She Hulk im not sure about could go either way for me but do what you need to do Molly x


Shows come and go, we're here for you Molly! Feel better ❤️