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Here it is, at last! I've been waiting so long for this one and it didn't disappoint! 


Dune Full Review and Reaction!.avi



I read Dune probably 45 years ago and was blown away. It caught me at a time when I was more vulnerable to the mysticism of the story ( using Spice to navigate through the galaxy etc) so I was a little nervous about watching this given the risk of waking up my teenage self who was literally mind blown by reading it. They do a great job and I may even try to read it again. It was great to be able to watch it the first time through with you and hear your love of the story as well. Thanks for a great reaction!

Marty McGee

New Patron here. Joined specifically for this reaction. Also, I see you react to things that others do not. I am a long time Dune fan. My first exposure was with the Lynch version in the 80's. I was around 10 or 11 at the time and thought it was so cool. After reading the book in my teens and being blown away I was disappointed in the adaptation. I can watch it now though and appreciate its weirdness, plus yeah Sting! I have been waiting for this one though. I purposely didn't re-read the book so as to go into it kind of half-blind. It was about 10 years ago that I read it last. This film blew me away! Stunning visually, acted brilliantly, and overall amazing! My only worry is that maybe it's too much style while the story can be confusing for first-timers. As far as where it ended, I at first thought it ended one scene too early and should have included the next significant event for Paul with the Fremen. After watching it a couple more times though I think this was the right choice. It was never alluded to in this part and it will make a great way to open the next one!! Besides how do you top the reveal of the worm-rider for first-timers? Thanks for your reaction! Great to watch it with a Dune fan!!