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Hey again everybody! Just wanted to quickly update you all on some of the planned changes coming to Patreon that I discussed in my channel update video. If you didn't watch that yet, please do consider giving it a watch or reading the summary in that vid's description, so you have a sense of where we're headed!

As you've probably seen, I've just posted a couple new video links (all FGC content so far) and some of the tags are a little different. In addition to the Targaryen tier getting access to extended reactions, I'll be adding in "extra early access" to videos! I know a lot of patreon channels have been doing this and think it's a nice additional thanks for those patrons. For FGC related vids, this will typically mean a couple to a few days extra early access, prior to Stark tier access (and then YouTube being last, of course).

Now, for tv show and film extra early access, I'm hoping to structure it a bit differently and more concretely. Basically, my goal is to have extra early access be one episode/movie ahead of early access. So, for example, the next time I post The Expanse, I'll be putting BOTH episodes 4 and 5 up for extra early access, while only episode 4 will go up for early access. Targ tier will, essentially, be two episodes/movies ahead of YouTube, while Stark tier will be one episode/movie ahead of YouTube. You can see this process in action on patreon channels like those belonging to The Normies or Blind Wave. 

I'm also going to be posting some more discussion or topical videos as well going forward, as I really enjoy making them and feel I'd like to expand on that. I have one about to come out on experiences of women online (mostly in the FGC but this is relevant for a lot of social online experiences/content creation) which I will probably go directly on YouTube with for everyone. And then going forward, extra/early access to those videos will be on here as well.

Thanks everybody and I hope you're having a wonderful day! 


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