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Well everybody, this is it! The FINAL episode of Hannibal! It's been quite a ride and I'm honestly very sad that it is over. I wish there were many more seasons of this wonderful show to watch. I've truly enjoyed my time watching and discussing this series. My thoughts about the finale are complicated - which you'll find out if you check out my discussion at the end! 

I'm still thinking of doing the live stream discussion in the near future. However, I want to wait until all the episodes are available on YouTube - so it'll be at least another week (maybe longer, depending on YouTube blocking videos). I'll make sure to keep everyone updated on that.

The shorter, edited version of this (like with The Expanse) will be up tomorrow. Thanks everybody and I hope you have a wonderful night!


Hannibal Season 3 Episode 13 Full Review and Reaction.avi



Has been so fun watching all your reactions to my favorite show of all time! My feelings on what Will’s character arc ultimately proved to be about have really flipped from the first time I watched. I always enjoyed Will and Hannibal’s dynamic, but going into the show for the first time I really just saw Hannibal as The Villain TM (because he’s Hannibal Lecter, iconic pop-culture villain), and Will as the victim you were supposed to root for to defeat the bad guy — and that position majorly influence my perspective on Will’s journey. After re-watching though, my feelings pretty much immediately shifted, because there is just so much in the narrative that contradicts that classification. I think one of the great triumphs of this show is that they use that initial expectation of Will (Good) vs. Hannibal (Bad) to their advantage, to the point that the ending feels like a tragedy for Will to some people. Seeing the show again though, I end up feeling like instead of Will (Good) vs. Hannibal (Bad), the actual narrative was Change (Good) vs. Stagnation (Bad). Morality aside (because while Will’s internal struggle with morality is important to the practical decisions he makes, I don’t actually feel like a morality debate is important to the emotional core of the show), Hannibal was pretty much the champion of change — even within himself, he embraced change much more easily than Will. And in the end, the narrative kind of proved his perspective on the story correct: that a “tragic” ending for Will would have been returning to normality where he would continue to try to go back in time and ignore his irreversible transformation (a.k.a. exactly what he did in 3x07), and that a Happy EndingTM to Will’s arc is in embracing and acknowledging change and moving forward.


In the dinner with Bedelia, the table was set for three people. Looking forward to your Hannibal livestream.