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Hello everyone! Attached, you'll find the full length version of Season 4 Episode 3 of The Expanse! My computer's having some issues lately and seems to be slower than normal. So, this took about six full hours to completely process and export off of my software into a format I could upload! This seems to be slowing the whole process down a little but overall, hopefully won't cause too many issues. All of that being said, the video itself seems to have come out just fine (with some cat guest appearances, as is typical lol). Due to editing/processing time, the shorter version likely won't be up until the morning. Hope you enjoy everybody! Amos and Murtry are going to have a showdown at some point, I can see it now lol. 


The Expanse Season 4 Episode 3 Full Review and Reaction!.avi


Alex Antonio

Definitely watch episodes 9 and 10 together. Mainly because when you get to the end of 9 you're not going to be able to stop yourself from watching 10. :)


At the beginning of the episode after Murtry has shot Coop, Scotty asks him, "Are you going to shoot us all?" and Murtry's closing statement is "I hope that answers your question." I LOVE the Bobbie arc this season, it does correlate somewhat with the novellas that deal with side stories of some of the Expanse characters. Clearly some parallels to current day with governments trying to make policies to control expansion and migration and other populations feeling that they have no choice but to put their lives on the line to try to claim another better life for themselves. Really glad to have you back! Thank you for caring for your Mr Pickles. I have a feral kitty as well (Tami) who is now become a cuddler over time. She gets to choose whether she goes outside now (as she clearly still enjoys it) but with cold or snow she usually turns her back and stays indoors!