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Hey everyone! I must begin this with an apology for disappearing on you. As I'm sure you may have guessed, I've been having some serious health issues. I had intended to come back to filming and posting after the end of the January holidays. But my health deteriorated rapidly and I was in a very bad place. I'll be trying to make an actual video soon, discussing this in greater detail. For now, to make a long story short - my chronic and incurable health condition got much worse, became completely disabling for a time, and after many trips to the doctors, it has been decided that I'll be needing another pelvic surgery (this one also operating on my bowels - which is super scary to me) in order to see any improvement. This whole thing has been very distressing, exhausting, and time consuming to me and I just haven't been physically up to being on camera or emotionally up to talking about all of this. Due to that, I majorly dropped the ball and left you all hanging, for which I profusely apologize.

I've spent the last week trying to get myself back into a place where I can communicate better and film. And the last few days I've been re-catching up on all of our series. I am happy to say that the next episode of The Expanse will be (FINALLY) posted on Thursday and we'll be back in business from that point on. I'm also putting together a concrete schedule for both here and Youtube to follow going forward and will be re-vamping this page over the weekend. I'll be making some changes to accommodate for my new situation but will still be continuing with all our current shows. More details on this will be forthcoming as well.

Once again, I sincerely apologize everyone. I understand how frustrating it can be to wait on someone and hope that I can make up the delay to you in the future. I appreciate your continued support during this difficult time, more than you can know. 



Thank you for the update. I've been worried about you! Not the "lack" of videos. As others have said your health is much more important.

Tony Camas

Oh, Molly, this confirms my worst fears. I really was hoping your lack of posting was just due to you getting busy with something, or needing a little "me time" or something. That would've been much better. This health stuff is so worrying. We're all pulling for you, and needless to say, if there's anything any of us can do to help, I hope you know we're here for you. I know the likelihood that any of us can actually help in any concrete way is probably pretty slim, and maybe hearing this sort of thing from people you barely know must sound a little weird, but you've built yourself a little community here, and maybe a little bit of an extended family, so please know we all are thinking about you (and those so inclined are praying for you too). Get well (or as well as you can) soon!