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Attached, you'll find my full length review of and reaction to Season 1 Episode 9 of Dark! This was another extremely interesting episode full of revelations (and leading to additional questions haha). We're almost at the end of the first season!!!

I'd also like to apologize for not really being on top of responding to comments and messages lately. Sometimes, when I'm not feeling particularly great or am overwhelmed with stuff, it can be difficult for me to interact regularly in comment sections. Rest assured though that I am (at the very least) reading everything you guys post and thinking about your comments. I do appreciate your continued support! <3 


Dark Season 1 Episode 9 Full Review and Reaction!.avi


Victor M.P.G.

Put a good face to the bad weather, as we say here. Something like always look on the brigth side, or If Life give u lemmons.... u know ;)