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Hello again everybody! Attached, you'll find my full length review and reaction to Season 3 Episode 3 of Penny Dreadful! The reveal at the ending really blew me away! But the fact they'd known each other previously in some capacity does make perfect sense, doesn't it? Thanks everyone!

All the best,



Penny Dreadful Season 3 Episode 3 Full Review and Reaction!.avi



Fair warning, the next episode completely destroyed me. Brace yourself. I haven't heard you mention it yet, but I think the inspector and his sidekick are loosely based on Sherlock Holmes and Watson. At first I did not care for this character, but grew to really enjoy him and how they used him by this point in the series. Sad we're getting to the end, but still can't wait for next weeks ep! I've been waiting since the start for you to get to ep4! Thanks Molly xx