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And finally, here is my full length review of and reaction to the first episode of Dark! I already have so many questions!!! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how this series develops.

As previously mentioned, the shorter, edited version of this episode will be posted before the end of the evening on Sunday (along with the shorter, edited versions of Mindhunter and Stranger Things).

Thank you everyone and have a great evening (or morning, actually lol). I'm off to bed!


Dark Season 1 Episode 1 Full Review and Reaction!.avi



I will say that my only criticism of the show is that some of the dialog and interactions don't feel quite natural and are crafted to perpetuate the mystery which unfortunately reminds me of "LOST".


Luckily unlike lost this show very clearly knows where it's going and what it's doing.

Peadar O'Ruadhán

Was curious about Raider chocolate bars, and seemingly on the continent, that is what they called Twix until 1991