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And here is the shorter, edited version! Were you guys as surprised by the Anna reveal as I was?!


The Expanse Season 3 Episode 11 Edited Review and Reaction!.avi


Peadar O'Ruadhán

Molly, Are you still having issues with Lasso? If not, how did you solve the problem? Another one of my favourite reactors Laura Reacts, is getting very upset by these cowboys. Weeks ago I suggested reaching out to you, but you had so much going on that you probably missed it. Is there any advice that you could give her. She has reached out to James SA Corey and gotten some communication back.

Molly Sardella

Unfortunately, I am still having issues with Lasso. In fact, both Lasso and NBC Universal put in competing copyright claims on the last Expanse video I posted on YouTube! As if it isn't infuriating enough to have to deal with Lasso's fraudulent claims, NBC has now decided to get involved again. Even though they willingly signed away their rights to The Expanse, they still seem to want to cause problems for fans, for some reason. I didn't hear from Laura, though maybe she sent an email that I missed. I'll try to look back through my older messages and see if anything is there. I'm not sure if I can help her much, sadly. After I reached out to Alcon Entertainment, their lawyer contacted me, asking for information about Lasso. I provided him with everything I could, including images of Lasso's claims, my disputes, links to the claimed videos, and information acquired on Lasso. He said they'd be looking into it, but I haven't heard anything back as of yet. I imagine that sort of thing might take a long time though...


I was not as surprised by the Anna reveal as you were, which might be because I'd read the book (Abaddon's Gate) before. :) But i think they did the scene very well in the show - as they always do.