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And here is the shorter, edited version! Enjoy everyone and thank you again!


The Expanse Season 3 Episode 10 Review and Reaction!.avi



There was a scene earlier where I believe the second time Miller appeared to Holden he said, "have we met before?". I think this was a phase when Miller was adjusting to the creation and destruction cycle. Now when he exceeds his boundaries and is recreated, he retains everything. When he disappeared this time before talking about Julie, I think delay was due to the "program" searching for files on Miller and Julie, and then downloading them into a new instance of Miller. Pretty freaky.


Plus there's a new trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEENk6_XFoA

Molly Sardella

That is interesting to think about (and yes, very freaky lol)! It does make sense that over time, he could adjust to the creation/destruction cycle, allowing him to retain more information. Didn't he also tell Holden that things were "clearer" for him on this side of the ring? Or am I remembering that incorrectly?


He said that the signal was significally better inside the Ring, which essentially means the same.