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Hi all! As you probably guessed (due to the lack of Expanse posting yesterday), I have been hit by a migraine. Yesterday, I had to take Neville for a follow-up appointment in the afternoon and upon returning home, was hit by a sudden migraine attack. I'm still in the midst of it, unfortunately. However, it is substantially better than it was yesterday (when I could not even see). So, I anticipate it subsiding enough to film before the night is over. As soon as I'm able, I'll be jumping up to film The Expanse and edit/post as much as possible.

Additionally, my Dad is still not able to get together this upcoming weekend to film. So, sadly, we're going to have another week without a Dad GoT reaction. But, I think the next weekend may work for him. Sorry to keep you all waiting on that - we need to follow his schedule though!

Neville is doing a bit better as well. The vet gave him a second dosage of antibiotics and said that she is encouraged by the progress she is seeing. So, at this point, I am very, very hopeful!!!

Thanks everyone and apologies again for the evil migraine-induced delay!

All the best,




Glad to hear Neville is on the mend! As a doctor I would recommend staying away from aspartame for your headaches!! Just a thought. I got rid of it 7 years ago and have been headache free.

Peadar O'Ruadhán

Hope neville is feeling chirpy. :) . Very glad to hear he's on the mend. Hope you are feeling better yourself. Don't worry about the videos we know they are coming and they are worth the wait. :)