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Hey all. Just a head's up, so you aren't refreshing all night long in anticipation of a posting - I had to take one of my little parakeets (here he is at the vet - his name is Neville) to the Avian vet for an emergency visit today. He suddenly seemed to be having difficulty seeing and also landing on his feet steadily after flying. We're not yet sure what is going on with him because we're waiting on test results but I'm hoping for the best.

Point being - this has changed my entire schedule for today. I probably will not get around to filming The Expanse reactions until very, very late tonight (as in post-midnight). So, you may not want to wait up! As a clarification - yes, I am planning to film them back to back. I will try to do the same later in the season for episodes 12 and 13, if you all would like me to do so.

Thanks everyone and please keep Neville in your thoughts!



Peadar O'Ruadhán

Thanks for the update. I hope neville gets well soon. Sounds like he's had a few gins . He looks like a wonderful little pet. :(

Dan Guisinger

Hope he is well, you sure have a lot of pets.... I can barely remember to feed my dog, multiples would be impossible....