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Hi everyone! I wanted to give you another quick update regarding my Expanse videos and Lasso Group (since you've been going through this experience with me for a while now).  A couple of months ago, I sent a message to Alcon Entertainment, through their website, informing them of my issue and asking if there was anything they could do about the situation. Excitingly, today, I was contacted by a lawyer that they have hired to look into Lasso claiming Expanse material on YouTube!

I am going to be compiling as much information as I have about videos of mine that have been claimed or blocked by Lasso and passing it along to them. This is great timing, in my opinion, because Lasso literally just blocked (and denied my dispute) my most recent Expanse video on YouTube - while allowing the previous two to remain up but taking the ad revenue for themselves. I was beginning to think there would be no recourse for me, and that this would just continue happening, but now I have a little bit of hope!

Thank you all so much for your continued support while I've been dealing with this situation! I hope I'll have more positive information for you soon!

All the best,



Peadar O'Ruadhán

Molly, Excellent work. I had noticed that another reactor who has just started up had her video blocked for a while today by lasso, but it seems to be released now. Lasso are messing with the wrong fan base. Plus we have a hero, who is tough enough to fight the good fight, even with a bruised tailbone :)


That’s fantastic to hear. It’s exciting to hear that this took such a great turn.