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And here's the shorter, edited version! Wow, that took a long, long, long time to react to, edit, and process (hmm... about eight hours in fact). Now, I need to go and sleep for a few hours (I've been up about twenty six hours straight lol).

As I mentioned in my previous post, I took Monday (today I guess haha) off from work so that I would definitely be able to watch, edit, and post my reaction to the next episode of The Expanse (as well as The Expanse Crack video) before the night is over. So, once I get a little sleep, I'll be starting on that. 

Thanks everyone and I hope you've recovered from what you saw last night on GoT!

All the best,



Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 Review and Reaction!

I stayed up all night working on this video - it was a difficult one to edit! Best parts of this episode: Tyrion/Varys, Tyrion/Jaime, Arya/Hound, Hound/Mountain. Agree? Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/MollyBeeReacts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/molly_amber_bee/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MollyAmberBee A special thank you to my patrons : Victor Perez Garcia, Belinda Ruffcorn, Joe Jephson, Sarah Floyd, TRK2, Dan Guisinger, Etta Eskridge, Maurice Garcia, Dewey Feltz, Maneo Jung-Espinoza, Tony Camas, Scott Sands, Wateesh, Eli Berg-Maas, Ellen Lamel, Scott Fellows, zezibesh, Kenneth Smith III, bwr, Galvontyr, Paul Lytle, Alex Antonio, TeddyBearBonfire, Ari, Drew, Dennis Feldhaus, James Hardin, Marc D, Josh, klef, Nonman, AN, Sorry I’d rather remain anonymous, holden_nuts, Eric, minglordy, Mackensie Eddington, Ross Skilton, Helene Hegg, Milamber Nova, Leo Goldfine, John Palb, John Rundberg, Amanda Meythaler, Alex Andersson, Amir Gunn, Peadar O'Ruadhán, the Modulator, John Anaya. Greg, comtrend, Michel Ferreira, Jason Clark, ATR, Miles Curtis Watson, Scott Begg, Chris Czirr, Joel Nordlander, Ian, NJ, stephen copper, Casey C. Hunsaker, David Fourman, motomorose, John West, A Tong, Rahs, Jo, Jeff Lavergne, Morgan, Richard Craig, John Kowols, Craig LaVarnway, M. van den Berg, Oded Koren, zezibesh, Andrew Shircel, David Bych, Joe, Ágúst Jóhannsson, Jared Fredensborg, Todd Bell, Adam Lambert, Eric A. Grimes, Jeminai, Ian Hillan, T. Arnold Ferguson, Marc Chen, Matt Schneider, Deana DeWall, Feather Noir Media, DVH74, Ricardo Pomalaza. You guys are the best! ***FAIR USE*** of video clips!


Dan Guisinger

I liked a majority of it, I feel like a lot of people are being way too bent out of shape about this season. A lot of the plot points are probably the same as GRRM will make them be if he ever finishes. Some things are disappointing - the lack of a backstory for the NK or any story making Bran worthwhile in the story being the main ones for me.... sometimes it feels a bit rushed, but that is definitely a side effect of breaking it down into 6 episodes.... yes, by runtime its the same as 10 episodes, but when two episodes are almost nothing but battle, they only had what looks like 4 episodes of story telling, some of which were the shortest episodes in the season.


I also enjoyed the production values. Some of the detail, like the leftover wildfire igniting was pretty cool. Storywise, I agree with others that it felt rushed. Cleganbowl was well done and a fitting end. My hope is that Cersei survived and will be brought before Dany. I think this sets up Tyrion's betrayal and he may be the one who kills Dany or is instrumental in her death to protect his sister.

Victor M.P.G.

Agree on several things. I must be of the minority who actually loved the episode. True somethings seems a bit quick, and I think the same about Bran. But perhaps the fact that Danny was never my fav character, like it seems it was for 80% of ppl (cosplaying, loving the dragons-thing, even naming babies as Khaleshi), made me see it coming from way before. I was never in the Dragon Queen team, I was in the Starks team. My favs was always Jon Snow, and then between Arya and Tyrion. But it happened all more or less as I wished, lol... including Jamie dying, who, for me, was always a bad person (I know season after season the plot makes u follow his adventures too, trying to make us emphatize with him, but sorry, killing or trying, an innocent kid is a heavy load for me to forget).Even he himself knew he was a bad person. So at the end, I think Cercei and Jamie just deserved each others. Sandor was not a good man either, but I feel more sympathy for him than for Jamie. I think Varys was an admirable man, who gave his life for the innocents and the ppl, and I think Sansa did what was correct. But, I never read the books, I can only have an opinion on the Show.