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Hey everyone! In the midst of all this copyright chaos, I still wanted to keep moving forward with the show. That way, at least everyone on here will have an opportunity to see my reactions and reviews, while I'm trying to figure stuff out with YouTube. With that in mind, here is a link to episode 9's full review and reaction! The shorter, edited version will be posted by tomorrow at the latest as well!

I will also be posting a channel update video at some point this evening. Pretty much everything in there is stuff you all would have been aware of from our discussions on here. However, if you're interested in hearing it all synthesized into one video, that'll be available soon. Thanks everyone!

All the best,



The Expanse Season 2 Episode 9 Full Review and Reaction!.avi


Scott Fellows

Looking a gift horse in the mouth: If you are given a horse as a gift, you don't open it's mouth to judge it's age and condition (at least not in front of the person who gave it to you). Essentially... do not critique or look for fault in things gifted to you.


Since that exact same proverb exists in my native language too – "Ajándék lónak ne nézd a fogát" -, I looked and was shocked to find that it’s there in dozens of different languages. But then I looked further and it turned out that its original is in one of Saint Jerome’s works (Commentar, in epist. ad Ephes). What’s more, there are other proverbs also still in existence by him, e.g. "To err is human", etc. Interesting stuff, tho a bit off topic, I guess.

Victor M.P.G.

The moment she returns to her room, pissed off and says "open all the shades", that moment she's looking through the window, I can't help trying to imagine if she feels something inside that's telling her, this is Home... or at least my origin.... some inner and ancestral sense of belonging other than Mars.