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And here is the full version of season 2 episode 5 with the video of the episode included! Now when you watch me cry, you'll be able to see exactly what is breaking my heart! Haha... I laugh because I must, to avoid more tears.


The Expanse Season 2 Episode 5 Full Review and Reaction with Video.avi



Glad that you had the opportunity to watch eps 4 and 5 together, I've seen them a dozen times and I was crying right there with you.

Peadar O'Ruadhán

You are not alone in your suffering lol. This is what another reactor posted on the comments section of Episode 2.4 'i love sharing my thoughts and getting yours in return on this stuff x p.s: by now you all know i've seen episode 5 and like.... f*** ya'll tbh for letting me walk into that totally unprepared ! lol yeah yeah...ik i asked for no spoilers but idc im upset and depressed and just wanna blame it on third parties lmao hope u enjoy me suffering when that drops, you a*******s. byeeee'