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Hello everyone!

Thank you for your responses to the poll! Haha it did turn out the way I expected but I wanted to double check, just in case! Also, as you surely noticed, this is being posted later than anticipated. Because of the recent copyright issues, I planned to upload these full reactions to Google Drive. With that in mind, Belinda suggested I might want to try editing the video to include the actual episode itself (helping us to avoid issues with lagging or differences in episode timing while you guys are watching). I thought that was a wonderful idea and that was my goal!

However - last night, I found myself dealing with some technical issues. While, watching, I record the episodes of The Expanse off of my computer (through Amazon prime) using video capture, so that I can then edit them into my reaction videos. For some reason, the video capture recordings I made last night only recorded the sound from the episodes! My personal reaction recordings were fine - but I wasn't able to edit in the episode. I figured something had simply gone wrong with the video capture and waiting until I finished working today to try video capturing the two episodes again. But, once again, all I was left with were recordings of the episode that captured the sound, which played over a black screen. I then tried to update a bunch of things on my laptop and through chrome, to see if any of that helped - and once again, tried to record the episodes with screen capture. No dice.

At this point, I can only conclude that either 1) there's a problem with my laptop I haven't figured out, or, 2) amazon has changed its settings so you cannot screen capture record anything off of prime video. I HOPE it isn't the latter option because that's how I record all the tv show episodes I watch. 

With all of that being said, for now, I'm going to just upload the videos with only my reactions (and the episode audio), so you guys can at least watch that! Then, I will keep trying to figure out what to do about this new development with Amazon. As soon as I get access to recordings of the episode themselves, I'll re-edit with the picture included. Sorry about this and thanks everyone! Here's episode four - episode five will be up once it's finished uploading to drive.

All the best,



The Expanse Season 2 Episode 4 Full Review and Reaction.avi



I only have time now to watch 4 which to me is an episode I LOVE to watch mostly because the CGI is truly amazing!! The launch sequence of the Navoo is so spectacular (once you come down off your emotional tear!!) The little tug (boats!) are just so cool!! I will get to 5 tonight, as of course, I know what is coming...remember my comment about Dawes foreshadowing knowing when you are "home".


The attention to detail is truly amazing. Loved the Nauvoo launch and I actually felt sad for that little tug drone that got fried by the engines ;p

Molly Sardella

You're right, that was a beautiful sequence! I felt badly about having to edit it down so much while I was putting together my shorter version with only ten minutes of footage. The whole thing deserves to be seen! And oh yes! So many little moments came together perfectly in that scene between Julie and Miller. So beautifully done!