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Hey everyone!

I wanted to post a message today, regarding the frequency with which I upload videos. I'll be posting a similar but likely less detailed message on YouTube soon. I'm doing this because I've received some notifications, on both platforms, from subscribers/patrons, indicating there is some displeasure with how often and how quickly I upload new material.

Let me start off by saying I am extremely grateful to everyone on here who has chosen to come out and support me monetarily. I hadn't anticipated setting up a patreon when I started my YouTube channel, and now that I have done so, I have been trying very hard to make sure I have enough content posted each week to make it worthwhile for everyone here. Over the past month, I've posted approximately five videos per week (more when possible). As of right now, I expect that there should be at least three or four more videos posted before the end of this week (not counting this little clip of Binx the kitten). Each individual reaction video I create takes me about five hours of work to complete (between set up, filming, transferring footage my laptop, editing, exporting, creating thumbnails/intro pics and descriptions, and processing for YouTube and/or Google Drive). 

With all of that being said, posting more that I currently do, or on a more definitive schedule, simply isn't feasible at this point in time. Your contributions are very sincerely appreciated and have helped make the amount I currently post possible. However, even this rate of posting has been difficult for me to maintain, at times. So, expanding on it, simply isn't possible right now. Perhaps, it may be in the future, if my channel grows. However, as previously mentioned, this is not my full time job, unlike many larger reaction channels that post videos daily. 

On top of this, as you may have read in my intro blurb when signing up, I am chronically ill. The virus I've had recently has been irritating but ultimately, passing. I don't talk about this too much in detail, but I deal with a chronic, incurable illness (endometriosis, which has caused intractable migraine and nerve damage). It's a bit hard to explain and not very fun to discuss, but it is, unfortunately, rather debilitating at times. This makes even a regular full time working schedule difficult to maintain, let alone full time work and my channel.

I have the utmost respect for everyone here. Your contributions are genuinely and wholeheartedly appreciated, and I have been working very hard in an attempt to not let anyone down. I certainly understand that ten (or even five) dollars can be a lot of money for someone to spend on entertainment like this on a monthly basis! I do not want anyone to feel that they have pledged under false pretenses or to be disappointed in what they are receiving. So, with that in mind, I just wanted to be as clear as possible with everyone regarding what I currently am (and am not) able to do, numbers-wise. If you do not feel comfortable with your pledge amount, knowing there will likely be no more than five videos per week (for now), and that there may be times when the schedule is disrupted or inconsistent, I do understand and there are no hard feelings!

Thanks again everyone for your continued support. Please enjoy these couple seconds of a new addition to my household - a little kitten named Binx - trying to drown his toy mouse in his water dish!

All the best,



Binx the Kitten Drowning His Toy Mouse


Tony Camas

Just adding to the chorus here, Molly. You've got nothing to apologize for. The quality is way more important than the quantity (or frequency), and your quality is top notch. I greedily await your next reaction like everyone else, but that's because we love your videos and the anticipation is palpable. But you owe us nothing. Or, at least, you owe us nothing that's worth risking your health over. Don't stress over this for one more minute. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we want you to stay healthy (as much as you can), so we can "hang" with you long term.

Dan Guisinger

Since you thought you were going to have 3 or 4 videos by the end of the week and none of that came to pass, I can only say I hope you are feeling well and are doing okay :) I don't think we are a very demanding group. Your health, pets, and family always comes first. Nothing but well wishers here.