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Hi everyone! Here is the full reaction to episode 9 of season 1 of The Expanse! I apologize once again for the delay. I ended up having a bit of a relapse on Sunday morning and was out of commission for a bit longer than anticipated!

The full review and reaction to episode 10 is currently processing and will be posted as soon as it is ready! The edited reactions to both episodes will most likely be up tomorrow, rather than this evening. I'm still feeling a little tired so, I don't think I'll be able to finish editing them tonight. However, they will be up soon!

Thanks again everyone and I appreciate all of the well wishes!

All the best,



The Expanse Season 1 Episode 9 Full Review and Reaction

Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/MollyBeeReacts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/molly_amber_bee/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MollyAmberBee In the ninth episode of season 1, we go back in time in order to follow Julie Mao's doomed journey to Eros. Miller and Holden run into trouble while following a scientist and Fred Johnson makes a disturbing announcement. A special thank you to my patrons : Victor Perez Garcia, Belinda Ruffcorn, Shibster, Joe Jephson, Sarah Floyd, TRK2, Dan Guisinger, Etta Eskridge, Maurice Garcia, Dewey Feltz, Maneo Jung-Espinoza, Tony Camas, Scott Sands, ZK, Tobias Avery Porch, Wateesh, Eli Berg-Mass, Ellen Lamel, Scott Fellows, zezibesh, Kenneth Smith III, AG, Zoa Keith, bwr. You guys are the best! ***FAIR USE*** of video clips!


Dan Guisinger

A little risky throwing a full length audio on youtube, no? Regarding did she just die as Miller showed up - I don't think so. She had a vision of him as she was dying, but I'm not sure they are implying she died right as he arrived.... the crystals looked more formed on her dead body like they had grown for a while longer. Maybe Belinda knows with all her connections what they intended.

Tony Camas

I think the vision of Miller with the bird was just that -- a vision. You can tell because Miller is wearing his trademark hat when Julie "sees" him, and, if you remember, he left his hat on Ceres. Why Julie would be hallucinating an image of a Fedora adorned Miller and a sparrow at that particular moment is difficult to say, but given that there's no rational, scientific, fact-based explanation that passes muster, I think we're pretty much forced to conclude that it was connected in some way with Julie's Protomolecule "infection." There's really no other way to explain it. The exact timeline of Julie's death and how it correlates with the arrival of Team Roci + Miller on the scene is not clearly demonstrated, I don’t think. Right after Julie succumbs, you hear the voices of the crew (saying the stuff they said when they first entered the room), but I’m not sure that juxtaposition was supposed to be taken literally. In the end, I don’t think it matters a whole lot. The point is that she was dead when they got there; whether she had been dead five minutes or five days doesn’t really matter a whole lot, I don’t think.

Molly Sardella

I think we should be okay with the audio. As of this point, none of my Expanse videos have received any sort of copyright notice, which is amazing really. While I've only had a handful of videos actively blocked (Penny Dreadful, that random Hannibal episode that was falsely flagged and the three pieces of Hill House that I finally got back up), many, many of my other videos have gotten copyright claims. Luckily, with most claims, I don't have to remove the video - just any ad revenue from it would go to HBO (for True Detective), WBTV (for Sabrina), etc. The Expanse is, I believe, the only show that hasn't done ANY sort of claiming at all. I suppose it could change when the new season starts and if so, I'll just have to use google drive to reupload these full ones. I still think no audio will be the way to go with Penny Dreadful though. They seem the most strict, by far, for some reason... strange, since the show isn't even running any more! I think what you're saying about Miller and Julie with the visions makes sense. I'm wondering if the sparrow is supposed to be indicative of a connection between the two of them, personally... or if it's something more frightening. I know that sparrows are sometimes viewed as harbingers of death... and Julie saw one upon the moment of her death (along with Miller in the hat). Is this suggesting that Miller following the sparrow (or Julie) is going to lead to his death????? Hopefully I'm over thinking this lol.

Molly Sardella

Great point about the hat. I think I was just so upset in the moment that I wasn't truly processing everything. Her death was pretty brutal to watch in my opinion. Though since yesterday, I have had some thoughts regarding the sparrow and various visions that Julie and Miller have had of it (which are discussed in my comment above to Dan). I kind of hope I'm wrong though.... because I love Miller! I think you're correct regarding the exact timing not mattering that much. The use of their voices in the background of that scene could've just been an artistic touch in the way they represented the passage of time. Julie's entire flashback arc was shot in a way that it wasn't fully clear how much time passed between events. Going back and doing the editing for the shorter versions (which I'm currently doing) has made me think that their focus was more on connecting the significance of certain events than connecting them chronologically, if that makes sense?