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We released the first part of our GTA Heist today which is so exciting but it also puts a lot in perspective in my opinion.

When we launched as an Independent entity it was terrifying, but from the launch you all have been so unbelievable in the support you have given us. Because of that support it has allowed us to contract out multi-cam editing work to two amazing editors who we worked with at Let's Play. The support by everyone here not only allows us to keep the show going but for things like multi-cam let's plays to exist. Jake and Sean are amazing talents and wonderful people so for us to have received the support to work with them beyond RT is something I'm so thankful for. I will never be able to convey the sincerity of my thanks and appreciation to you all but I'll take every opportunity to try. Thank you so much for allowing a space like this to not just exist but grow.

With love,
Andrew Panton


Arielle G

you all work so hard and in the end it REALLY DOES matter. love you!!

Francisco Somoza

Thank you for trusting the community to support y'all!