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i'd look for dude's songs on spotify but they're probably riddled with v2k low frequency audio weapons and already dealing with enough


I listen to various old War Mode podcasts all the time. Spud or Billy often say they’re “retarded” or “dumb,” but in my perspective they mean “not educated.” “Educated” goes back to the elites education norms in Europe, but primarily England for modern US history. True, some part of that is learning facts and how systems work and all that, but it’s more like “Educated” means going through rites of passage into the technocrat/academic/corporate complex and levels of indoctrination. To be seen as “Educated” in this way, you were supposed to read certain philosophy, poets, and have some working knowledge of sciences and fine or “high” art. It was like this when I was growing up, now things might be a bit different. It’s a way to make people believe or think certain ways and accept general viewpoints in a narrow window, the Overton Window. I don’t think Billy, and definitely not Spud, are dumb or retarded, as they can cut through bullshit much more sharply than many others with multiple advanced degrees. Spud is downright brilliant at times, no joke. The flip side of this coin is that they’re more prone to put faith and trust in things that are against official or mainstream narratives, that are limited or inaccurate. It’s important to be critical of narratives and counter-narratives, but you also have to be careful of trusting something that could be a limited hangout or misdirection.

Ben H

I’ve got the vid